Smart Jobs & Consumers

SJ-1.2 Energy Efficiency Training Resources

WiRE Capacity-Building Field Trips

The purpose of this curriculum is to increase literacy across a wide range of applications related to renewable energy, and learn about power sector technologies, projects, companies and associations.




Assessment Methods

WiRE Field Trips allows individuals to visit a variety of organizations and industry sites including smart grid projects, solar farms, wind farms, energy storage, hydro facilities, etc. These field trips are led by subject-matter experts, who provide knowledge to attendees and guide the field trip group through the site location.

Some attendees informed WiRE via email that they were hired by the company that was being toured, or were inspired to pursue further education and/or career aspirations within the subject related to the field trip. 

To make assessment more quantifiable, WiRE is developing a survey to be sent out to field trip attendees at the end of each year to help gauge whether any attendees were hired by participating companies that hosted field trips, or were inspired to pursue educational or career aspirations in energy.



Programs for Implementing Training

In order to successfully create educational opportunities through field trips, organizations must have strong partnerships with various organizations and companies in the industry. It is important that partners provide subject-matter experts to provide information and guide the field trip group. It is also important to work with the partnering organization to ensure that field trip attendees will be safe while touring the site.





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