Turpan new energy demonstration district, located in Turpan City, Xinjiang, is China’s first commercial operation of the micro grid demonstration project, which is jointly promoted by National Energy Bureau as well as the National Development and Reform Commission (NDRC) and the National Electrical Supervisor. Therefore, the National Energy Bureau is supporting Turpan New District to construct National Energy Model Town, and promote the utilization of PV power, solar thermal power and geo-thermal power, etc, thus to attain the goal of sustainable development.
This project was launched in May, 2010. It is a demonstration area of new energy practice in western China to make use of integration of solar energy with regional building in drastic weather conditions.
Planning Turpan New Energy Demonstration District
A. The Vision
The Turpan New Energy Demonstration District is dedicated to be a new community featured in comprehensive utilization of solar power, geo-thermal power, and green transportation, architectural energy saving, and recycled water usage. The construction process will incorporate the ideas of ecological, environmental friendly, and energy-saving into its development theme. Here are several visions being implemented now:
- Livable City: To have rivers all around the district and have artificial forest.
- The appliance of renewable energy: Collect solar thermal power in residential architectures to provide hot water and electricity. Now the first phrase of 416 houses have succeed in 24-hour hot water supply.
- The collection of geo-thermal power for refrigeration and heating. When this project is finished, the user cost of air-conditioners are anticipated to reduce by 30% to 40%.
- Green LED Streetlight: all the streetlights in the demonstration district will use LED Streetlights.
When completed, Turpan Demonstration District will have 8.8km2. The Turpan new energy demonstration district has six special features in terms of low carbon development:(1)Application of PV power in buildings; (2)Application of solar thermal power in buildings; (3)Application of renewable energy to for refrigeration and heating; (4)Green transportation; (5)The proportion of green space will be 30%, the green coverage ratio will be 45%, and the open space per capita will be 12 square meters. (6)Energy-saving design in all architecture design.(65% energy saving standard.)
B. Over view of Pilot Area Plan (First Stage)
Turpan New Energy Demonstration District will become a main Pilot area of new energy resources and urban/rural integration in Xinjiang and north-west arid and semi-arid zones.
- Start-up Zone of Turpan New Energy Demonstration District is approximately 1.5 km2
- Totoal building area: 753972 m2
- Floor space of residential buildings: 686375 m2
- Community center will be constructed with the cores of converting station, transit station, and transit charging. There will be 8 community centers in the district.
- Installed capacity of photovoltaic panels: 13.4MW, about 1.3 times of household power consumption.
- Annual estimated emissions reduction calculated by operation margin: 16197 t CO2
Project Management
The development of Turpan New Energy Demonstration District is jointly promoted by National Energy Bureau as well as the National Development and Reform Commission (NDRC) and the National Electrical Supervisor.The involved local government is Turpan City government. At the same time, Longyuan Solar Co.Ltd is in charge of the micro-grid project in The Turpan Demonstration District.
Plan implementation
The construction of Turpan New Energy Demonstration District will be finished in 10 years in 3 phases. Turpan new energy demonstration District is a demonstration area of new energy practice in western China, especially in dry and hot weather. Since 2010, the first phase has been completed, the construction area of 750,000 square meters, and now it has become the biggest and most comprehensive project in terms of technology application and building integration of solar energy utilization in China.
Due to its small scale development as a new residential district, the development of Turpan New Energy Demonstration District is more reproducible for several reasons as follows:
- Climatic Conditions: Turpan District belongs to “Abundant Region” in terms of solar resources; over one half of land area in China receives equivalent or greater solar radiation
- Economic Conditions: Turpan District is a less-developed area in China
- City Type: Turpan City is a typical small-medium city in China
Estimated CO2 emissions before and after the completion of the project
16197 ton CO2 reduction