The key research and testing activities of this lab are: advanced power system architectures, microgrids for buildings and districts, new power converters for grid connection, smart metering and grid automation, electric mobility (infrastructure, V2G), demand side management and demand response.
The facilities consist of a set of interconnected testing platforms which are shown in the attached layout and listed below:
- Electrical equipment testing platform (includes high power lab and MV&LV lab)
- Microgrid and Distributed Energy Resources (DER) testing platform
- Energy storage platform
- Smart grids communication platform
- Renewable energy testing platform
- Electric Vehicle testing platform
- Power electronics and energy conversion platform
In addition, INGRID – Tecnalia Smart Grids lab, is an accredited laboratory according to EN ISO/IEC 17025 and a member of IEC/TC57 (“Power systems management and associated information exchange”), CENELEC/TC210 (“EMC”), Group of Notified Bodies under the EMC Directive (ECANB), and many Technical Committees of AENOR (Spanish Association for Standardization and Certification)