Smart Transportation   –  Energy Efficient Urban Transport Network:

ST-1.7 Transportation Demand Management

It has been estimated that one third of city traffic in San Francisco is caused by drivers circling around the block to find parking, which increases transportation related greenhouse gas emissions in the city. The SFpark project introduces an innovative parking management approach, as an important layer of an integrated transportation system, to address this parking challenge.

The project uses new technology and policies to provide real-time parking information to drivers and demand-responsive pricing to adjust demand for overused areas. The project aims to provide at least one empty parking spot on every block in order to discourage double parking and dangerous lane changes.

SFpark creates a safer environment for all road users, including pedestrians and cyclists, and ensures traffic flow for emergency vehicles and public transit. Local businesses also benefit, as their customers are able to find parking faster and get to their destination. San Francisco is a leader in the field of smart parking and demonstrates how parking management can increase circulation and safety while reducing greenhouse gas emissions.

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