Smart Transportation   –  Energy Efficient Urban Transport Network:

ST-1.5 Bikes and Walkways

Neighborhood Greenways or Bike Boulevards are residential streets with low volumes of auto traffic and low speeds where bicycle and pedestrians are given priority.

The goals are to:

  • Reduce auto cut-through – Speed bumps and traffic diverters keep cars trying to avoid main streets from cutting through on neighborhood streets.
  • Provide safer bicycling and pedestrian connections – Pavement markings alert people driving to expect people bicycling; improved crossings and curb ramps make pedestrian mobility easier and safer.
  • Reduce auto speeds – Speed bumps help slow automobile traffic on greenways.
  • Help people across our busier streets – Improved crossings at main streets help people walking and bicycling cross more easily.
  • Guide people on the route and help get them where they are going – Markings on the pavement and signage let you know where the Greenway goes and what’s nearby, like parks and business districts. For an example of one such type of marking, see the attached document, ‘Sharrows show the way’, at right.
  • Provide more “eyes on the street” – More people out on the street bicycling and walking leads to safer streets!
What follows is a video called Portland’s Bike Boulevards Become Neighborhood Greenways, and a map of Greenway projects in Portland is attached at upper right.

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