Smart Buildings

SB-2.1 Testing Centers

“MicroGrid Horizons (“MGH”) is dedicated to developing “energy independence solutions” through sustainable microgrid technologies and efficient financial solutions.

MGH is a company that designs, builds and operates CERTS (Consortium for Electricity Reliability Technology Solutions) Microgrids that greatly enhance energy reliability, power quality, energy savings and fulfillment of sustainability mandates. The key to CERTS Microgrids are software technologies, supported by a number of patents, which provide a “plug-n-play” and “peer-to-peer” control system between on-site energy generation units (power and heat) and facility loads.

Our primary market encompasses “critical infrastructure facilities” (e.g., military installations, emergency service organizations, and key infrastructure facilities) that depend upon high levels of electricity availability and power quality to fulfill their core private or public mission. This is a truly global market.

We believe that microgrids are an extremely transformative technological development that will impact high energy users first (e.g., college campuses, industrial and commercial facilities, large real estate developments, municipalities, and military bases) and, then, over the next decade, slowly percolate into the everyday life of homes, small energy users and off-grid communities.”

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