Smart Transportation   –  Energy Efficient Urban Transport Network:

ST-1.6 Renewable Energy in Transport Systems

The Mendocino Transit Authority (MTA) is doing its part to reduce grid-based electricity consumption. MTA’s innovative Facility Solarization and Modernization Program features two photovoltaic (PV) projects—the Maintenance Facility Project and the Solar Canopy Project—that will enable the transit agency to slash its use of grid-based electricity by 91% by tapping into energy from the sun.

The first project—the Maintenance Facility Project— is currently under construction. A roof-mounted PV system atop MTA’s new four-bay maintenance shop will generate enough electricity to operate the shop. Primary funding for this project was provided by the Federal Transit Administration’s State of Good Repair Program along with California’s Proposition 1B Public Transportation Modernization, Improvement, and Service Enhancement Account.

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