Smart Transportation   –  Energy Efficient Urban Transport Network:

ST-1.1 Energy-Efficient Vehicles

The Los Angeles Orange line, operated by Los Angeles County Metropolitan Transportation Authority, began operations October 29, 2005 and is the first bus line to be distinguished by a color rather than its route number. It serves a 14-mile corridor between the Warner Center and the North Hollywood Metro Red Line subway station with 14 stops. The Orange Line operates between approximately 3:45AM and 1:30AM seven days a week, and runs every four to five minutes during peak travel periods.

In order to provide efficient and reliable service, the Orange Line offers off-board ticket vending machines, transit signal priority using loop detectors at intersections, real time information signs at stations using automated vehicle location systems, large 60 foot articulated buses, level boarding at stops, increased spacing between stops, and additional doors to the bus for easier boarding and alighting. The Orange Line’s efficiency and reliability has attracted ridership in recent years. Before the project was completed, it was  projected to convey 7,500 riders per day. By October, 2010, it had attracted a daily ridership of 23,900.

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