The LAAS‐CNRS new challenges deals with information, communication and energy sciences and technologies. For over a few years now, a fully novel, very challenging and transversal experimental mul9disciplinary project, called ADREAM, has been launched.
It consists of two parts, a research program, supported by a set of tools and projects, and an experimental building, able to support a real design and evaluation of these systems. This will be done in many advanced areas, such as embedded systems, networks sensors, Internet of things, machine‐to‐machine communication, software services, companion robots, security and privacy, production and optimization of the energy.
The research program of this very ambitious, challenging and multidisciplinary project has been complemented by the definition and the construction of a new unique experimental implementation and evaluation platform.
Note also that the building, the support platform, has been defined to represent what might be our workplaces, and therefore our living places, in the next ten years.
The project has been proposed and the platform built in the framework of the French Contrat de Projets État‐Région 2007‐2013, with the support of the French State, of the Région Midi‐Pyrénées,
of the EU through the FEDER progamme, of the Grand Toulouse Urban Community, of CNRS and LAAS‐CNRS.