L2EP has developed an original laboratory facilities called “Distributed Energy platform” to achieve some research and development for different Smart Grid applications. The key research areas are listed below:
- Renewable Energy and DER Integration R&D focuses on participation of distributed energy to ancillary service for power system : voltage regulation, frequency regulation specially for weak network. The coordination of different renewable sources of energy is also addressed.
- Energy storage R&D focuses on the test of different type of storage technology with different time response and behavior : supercapacitor, lead-acid and Lithium Ion Battery. The combination of different services are tested on the storage elements : primary regulation, congestion management, filtering of renewable intermittent production.
- Power Electronics and Controls are tested on the platform thanks to open system hardware developed in the lab. Anti islanding algorithm performances are studied and also DC grid connection to AC system for renewable energy production.
Research is conducted within European projects or with some French government funding and most of the time in collaboration with industry and academic partners.