Smart Jobs & Consumers

SJ-2.2 Energy Efficiency Educational Resources

Indonesia Primary School—SMPN 4 Martapura’s energy self-sufficiency program

SMPN 4 Martapura, established since 1987, was built on the area of 8000 m2 and located in Martapura city, Banjar District, South Kalimantan, Indonesia. It consisted of 24 group studies, 744 student, 46 teachers and staff. For the last 10 years, SMPN 4 Martapura has been committing to manage the environment, starting as Healthy School. SMPN 4 Martapura’s vision is “To Generate Religious, Healthy, Smart, Skilled, Spirited, and Environment-Minded Graduates”. It has been formally organizing Environmental Education since the school year of 2006/2007 that is supported with the school policy, curriculum, participatory actives, school facilities and infrastructure, with the moto “Our Pleasant School: Our Bright Future.” In its progress and development, SMPN 4 Martapura has been working together with 14 local government agencies, 4 State Owned Enterprises in Banjar District, students’ parents and the school committee.

Up until now, it has fostered 30 schools, and also has been socializing Adiwiyata program to more than 123 schools in South Kalimantan. A number of programs that are in accordance with the vision and mission of SMPN 4 Martapura have already been implemented, including energy self-sufficiency program (the installation of solar panel with the capacity of 2000 wat, the usage of waste for fuel methane)

A number of supporting facilities include: Adiwiyata school development room, green house, biopori (infiltration well), and water recycling. The development of environment-based school has also been manifested with the establishment of the student activity units such as Green Youth Cadre. It has more than 1776 student cadres now. Through a number of the actives that have been stated above, SMPN 4 Martapura has been awarded as the Adiwiyata School of Banjar District (2009-2013), Adiwiyata School of South Kalimantan Province (2010-2014), National Adiwiyata School (2010-2011), Independent Adiwiyata School (2013), thus making it the referral school for comparative studies of other schools and Government Agencies / Institutions, both from within and outside South Kalimantan. Another form of appreciations that have become the pride for SMPN 4 Martapura is the visitation from the members of House of Representatives, District Regent, the Governor, and the Minister for the Environment of the Republic of Indonesia.

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