What is the policy, vision, or objective of the town? Please specify the actual goal and its metrics, if applicable.
Creative Digital City (CCD) is the restoration of an urban environment to consolidate an ideal space for people, a modern and interconnected stage where talent and creativity breed knowledge, boost the use of new technology and improve the quality of life in the Guadalajara Metropolitan Area.
Located in the heart of Jalisco’s capital, CCD concentrates creative industries such as studios involved in the production of film, television, videogames, CGI, interactive media and mobile apps, among many others, thus positioning the state as a productive center that is relevant to a sector that constitutes the vanguard of global economy today.
Brief outline of the low carbon town development plan
A comprehensive restoration of Downtown Guadalajara and its surroundings according to patrimonial preservation criteria and the Certified Developments promoted by the Federal Mortgage Association (SHF).
The optimization of transport through improvements aimed towards public transportation, traffic flow, pedestrian displacement and alternative means of transport.
The creation of dynamic spaces that foster creativity, talent, innovation and interaction, as well as mixed uses that include housing and working, leisure and education centers.
A renewal of the urban infrastructure (water, power, gas, solid waste disposal and a voice and data network) monitored to be managed efficiently.
The optimization of surveillance and security systems.