Brief outline of the low carbon town development plan
The Goulburn Mulwaree Smart City Strategy, endorsed by Council in August 2017, is the blueprint for the digital future. It will support the Community Strategic Plan, contributing to all 5 objectives – environment, economy, civic leadership, infrastructure and community.
Connectivity improvement and innovation program
As top priority, Goulburn Mulwaree Council will continue to support the improvement of connectivity for the community. This includes:
• enhancement to free public Wi-Fi, both coverage and performance
• leveraging technology like microwave and narrowband networks to drive innovation and diversification
• advocacy for better connectivity outcomes, working with state and federal government, telecommunication and technology companies, and NBNco
Creating smart city and digital transformation leadership in council
To coordinate implementation and ensure results, we will create new responsibility and accountability within Council to deliver smart city and digital transformation for our community.
Digital services
Goulburn Mulwaree Council will continue our program of expanding and improving online services, working to enhance both quality and resident satisfaction.
National/International partnership
Goulburn Mulwaree will partner with the Australian Smart Communities Association – the nation’s peak smart city group – to strengthen our advocacy, to leverage national expertise and knowledge, and to promote Goulburn’s achievements.
Digital community engagement
Goulburn Mulwaree Council is committed to listening to our community and working together. Digital technology offers much opportunity to improve the breadth, depth and quality of community engagement and co-creation. Council will continue to modernise our communication processes and digital platforms to enhance community dialogue and collaboration.
Smart water metering
The Goulburn community is committed to efficient and sustainable water management, from our catchments to our water assets to our taps. The Council will examine smart water metering options that provide better information to residents, and support water network planning, leak detection and maintenance.
Smart learning – progressing a Goulburn University centre
Council will continue to work through the Goulburn University Centre Steering Committee to establish a Country Universities Centre in Goulburn.
Leveraging digital technology, online course material, and relationships with institutions such as the University of Canberra and Charles Sturt University, these Centers allow local students to complete tertiary education in their own region.
The first Country University Centre was established in Cooma, and the NSW and Federal Government’s have provided funding to expand this smart learning model.
Working with the Australian Government
Council will work closely with the Australian Government to take advantage of their $50 million Smart Cities and Suburbs Program. As a first step, Council will develop a co-funding proposal for Australian Government consideration.
Develop a digital showcase precinct
To build digital maturity, and encourage community conversation, Council will explore the establishment of a digital showcase precinct in part of the Goulburn CBD. Such a precinct could include free public Wi-Fi, smart streetlighting, smart parking, digital signage, and smart waste management. The aim of this zone would be to trial better local services, to promote Goulburn’s digital credentials, and to support innovation.
Partnership with the University of Canberra
Goulburn Mulwaree is developing our connection with the University of Canberra through a range of projects. We will explore ways to leverage this partnership to accelerate digital initiatives and outcomes for our community.
Smart street-lighting
New technology is turning street-lights around the world into a pillar of the smart city – offering new energy efficient LED lighting, smart/remote controls for the lights, connectivity options (including Wi-FI, cell, and beyond), and the base for smart services like CCTV, smart parking, and EV charging. Council will scope options to progress such upgrade to our street-lights to save energy, Co2 and financial cost, and improve connectivity and service outcomes.
Building city and region with digital
Coordinating planning and development is one of the most important functions of a council, and one of the greatest areas of interest for the community.
Digital technology is changing traditional method of planning, design, consultation, approvals, and reporting – making it more efficient, interactive, convenient and inclusive.
Council will explore options for providing better planning and development outcomes for our community, given consideration to 3D smart city/region models, new digital engagement methods, and reforms to planning processes.