Introducing Fujisawa Sustainable Smart Town. A town sustainably evolving through living ideas
We are no simply creating a state-of-the-art smart town. We will build a town seeking the ultimate ideal. The Fujisawa Sustainable Smart Town (Fujisawa SST) we are developing in Fujisawa City, Kanagawa Prefecture is a joint project between the private and public sectors, which involves, partner companies promoting advanced initiatives, and Fujisawa City itself. The main feature of this project is that we will build an actual smart town with 1,000 households. We are not simply aiming to develop a town underpinned by advanced technology-based infrastructure, but a town based on actual lifestyles. We first put a 100-year vision at the center of our project and then established guidelines for town and community designs. Residents sharing the objectives of the town live, interact and exchange ideas for achieving better lifestyles. The town management company will take resident views into consideration, incorporate new services and technologies, and continuously support the sustainable evolution of the town. Actual lifestyle-based innovative systems will continue to bring energy in every aspect of people’s lives in terms of energy, security, mobility, wellness, community and also in emergencies.
The Fujisawa SST challenges to build a new smart town based on actual lifestyles, not technologies, is underway
『What we honor at Fujisawa SST is not the town’s scale, but theunderlying concept and process of how it was built. In a technology-centric smart town the primary focus is the infrastructure, which is built first before designs for comfortable homes and facilities are drawn up. Services for residents are the last consideration. But at Fujisawa SST, the primary consideration was to create a concept for a smart community lifestyle based on residential comfort, regional characteristics, and future living patterns ‒ taking into account such aspects as energy, security, mobility, and wellness. Next, we designed the entire town with optimized smart spaces like homes and facilities to realize this smart lifestyle. And finally, we created an optimum smart infrastructure to support this new way of living. Fujisawa SST will sustainably develop with ideas and processes based on actual lifestyles. We will build a sustainable town enabling residents to have eco-friendly and comfortable lifestyles incorporating the blessings of nature while ensuring safety and security. We will actively promote smart town projects in Japan and other countries modeled on Fujisawa SST.