Smart Transportation   –  Energy-Efficient Freight Transport Network:

ST-2.1 Energy Efficient Vehicles

The FleetWise program provides a suite of tools and information resources designed to assist organisations with the investigation and adoption of fleet practices designed to improve energy efficiency, reduce GHG emissions and deliver fuel savings. The FleetWise program provides a framework for participants to benchmark their fleet operation and then provides face-to-face training and strategic services to help participants develop a strategic fleet improvement plan. The Victorian Department of Transport, Planning and Local Infrastructure’s FleetWise pilot program involved assisting the following twelve fleets through a twelve-month period, and collecting data both on their results and their experiences.

The Victorian FleetWise program ran from 2011 to 2013 and included:

  • an information, promotion and recruitment phase
  • baseline data workshops to assist participants in developing a tailored fleet improvement plan
  • a one year implementation period for participants to pursue fleet improvement actions
  • a review and assessment phase to measure improvements to fleet performance.

Throughout the information and promotion phase, the Victorian FleetWise program engaged 181 Victorian organisations in both the public and private sector. All of these organisations received a presentation on FleetWise and information on fleet improvement practices.

12 organisations ranging in size, sector and function enrolled to participate in the one year pilot program.

Some of the key results from the one year pilot program include:

  • 149 tonne reduction in Greenhouse Gas emissions


    • Aggregate greenhouse gas emissions reduced by 149 tonnes (2%) for the fleets that completed the one-year assessment.
    • A positive result given that the majority of the fleets grew in size over the 12 month period.
  • 5% improvement in Greenhouse Gas intensity 


    • Average greenhouse gas intensity of the aggregate fleet decreased by 11 grams CO2-e per kilometre (5%).
    • All participating fleets successfully improved their greenhouse gas intensity – improvements ranged by up to 9%.
  • 3% improvement in air quality score


    • The average air quality score of the fleets (as determined by the Green Vehicle Guide) improved by 0.16 (3%) overall.
    • This indicates a substantial reduction in vehicle-related air pollution.


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