Smart Jobs & Consumers   –  Energy Efficiency School Curricula:

SJ-2.1 Energy Efficiency Educational Programs

Introduction video
of the Energy Education Treasure Chest Project

of the Energy Education Treasure Chest Project

I.The inspiration of a shocking fact

The lingering smelly air at the school front gate triggered some of our students to count the amount of motor vehicles passing by school at the rush hour. The students conducted the counting at the front gate 7 days in a row. A shocking fact showed that there were 923 motorcycles going by the school front gate in ten minutes in average. Inspired by the shocking fact, the teachers and the students of Jiachang Elementary School determined to do something that could help the students and the people in our community to cultivate energy knowledge, to lower the carbon emission, and to influence everyone we met by spreading practical energy efficiency activities, which collected in our Energy Education Treasure Chest.


School Location nearby the Export Processing Zone


By calculating the carbon emission in front of the school gate, we conducted the evidence-based action plan of “Treasure Chest”.


II.In the Energy Education Treasure Chest

We believe that everyone can contribute his or her efforts to make our environment much better. Even an elementary school student can be the key person of energy education by producing picture e-books, mini-movies, introductory videos and the like. What we have collected are illustrated below:

A.The training programs

We invited the students, the teachers and the volunteers, mostly the elders in our community to receive the training tailored for them so that they could be the manpower of various energy educational activities. After receiving the training programs, they can benefit not only themselves but also their families and more families in the community.

B.The implementation of various energy educational activities

The figure below shows the main energy related activities run by three different groups of manpower, the teachers, the students and the volunteers. The group of teachers focuses on designing lesson plans, inventing new teaching kits and helping the students and the volunteers to make progress in the related fields. As for the students, the upper graders, like grade 5 and grade 6, are trained to be the instructors to lead the lower graders to learn and to experience the energy efficiency activities. The volunteers aim at evoking people in the community the importance of energy efficiency by storytelling, drama and practical demonstration.           


III.Promote Strategic Planning

A.Construct “Energy Education Treasure Chest”

1.Construct database for teaching

Incorporate environmental and energy education into the curriculum as the references for teachers to teach.

2.Multimedia creations

Produce picture e-books, mini-movies, introductory videos (by students), videos of dramas on energy education (by volunteering parents), etc.

3.Share teaching materials on the Internet

Create our own website that integrates various teaching resources, such as digitalized teaching plans, QR code based campus navigation system, digital teaching materials, original teaching materials, learning manuals, and learning sheets. All can be downloaded for free, either for teaching or self-study.

4.Online “Energy Education Museum”

Learning energy efficiency concepts from anywhere via Augmented Reality (AR) System and 360-degree Panorama System.


360-degree Panorama System

B.Ways of exchange

1.Exchange locally: Through appointment, you can visit the Energy Education Museum, to play with energy science kits. You may also invite our troupe to your school, share the scripts, and exchange experience with us. Inviting your elders in the community to participate the training programs we have designed is welcome as well.

2.Exchange in long distance

Online “Energy Education Museum” (videos, VR, picture e-books, and mini movies) 


Mini movies


IV.Result Demonstration

A.Everyone makes impact

A school is more than a school when it acts as “Energy Education Treasure Chest.” One can see the teachers teaching on campus, the students volunteer to be the guides in Energy Education Museum, parents volunteer to participate in drama related to energy efficiency topics, and the elders volunteer as instructors of energy efficiency education. While more and more people enhance the awareness of energy, then the concepts of energy efficiency will spread from individuals to families, families to schools, finally schools to communities.

B.Inspire students to participate in citizen activities

Through the courses, students brings what they have learned into daily life. When students try to explain energy efficiency concepts through streets activities, they not only conduct global environmental citizenship, but also facilitate their parents and friends to understand the importance of environmental protection.

C.Sharing results through Internet

As the click through rate increases, more people are participated in energy efficiency activities.

D.Encourage students to design innovative creations

Design our own LINE stickers related to environmental protection, which has been reported by 13 news media.

The mini movie “Energy Adventure” promoting the concept of cherish our earth won the first place in nationwide contest in 2016.


E.Result feedback

Through exchanging and sharing experiences, we encourage people to come up with their innovative creations based on their expertise. These creations can be collected into the database of Energy Education Treasure Chest, then potentially it will become the teaching materials in the near future, e.g., the videos of dramas by volunteers, projects for National Science Fair by students.

F.Cooperate with schools and companies

Meet with other schools periodically, and encourage them to participate in various energy education activities. Cooperate with companies by means of training volunteers (from the companies) to be the experienced volunteers on energy related topics. Also build solar panels on the roof of our school to practice the production of green power.


Working with the volunteers from a company



"The seeds of today are the flowers of tomorrow and the flowers shall bring fruits as we hope.” said Ms. Kuo, Principal of Jiachang Elementary School. So the “changes” would be seen. When we analyzed the electricity consumption of our school, we found that the power consumption data dropped year by year. It is the power of education, which not only changes our thoughts, but influences on our behavior as well.

The environment would be transformed into a better one if we all learn the good knowledge of energy, know the way to reduce energy consumption, and try to maximize the performance of power. We are hoping that more and more schools join us, and work together. Let's make the world better.


The imaginary future Earth without changes drawn by our students

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