Smart Grids   –  Smart Grid Road Maps:

SG-1.3 Road Maps for Building Automation

The Energy Demand Research Project (EDRP) was a suite of large scale trials across Great Britain. The aim was to understand how consumers react to improved information about their energy consumption over the long term. The EDRP trailed a range of methods of providing customers with improved feedback on their energy consumption, including:

  • smart electricity and gas meters
  • real-time display devices, which show energy use in pounds and pence
  • more accurate and more frequent bills
  • energy saving information
  • community engagement

The trials were made up of different combinations of these actions and explored the responses of over 50,000 different households. Four energy suppliers ran the trials: EDF Energy, E.ON, Scottish Power and Scottish and Southern Energy. Ofgem oversaw the trials on behalf of the Department of Energy and Climate Change (DECC).

The trials began in 2007 and finished at the end of 2010. Independent analysis of the final data from the trials was carried out by consultancy Aecom, and can be found on the project website.

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