Smart Grids   –  Smart Grid Test Bed Network:

SG-2.1 Smart Grid Test Beds

Sandia National Laboratories (SNL): Distributed Energy Technologies Laboratory (DETL)

SIRFN Sandia Site Profile

Sandia’s Distributed Energy Technologies Laboratory (DETL) conducts research on generation, storage, and load management at the component and systems levels and examines advanced materials, controls, and communications to achieve a reliable, low‐carbon electric infrastructure.  DETL researchers analyze the effects of high penetration of renewable technologies and distributed energy on the grid and resolve issues related to grid interconnectivity, controls, security, safety, performance, reliability and interoperability. Partner economies will also be able to do so and share their results.

DETL’s reconfigurable infrastructure simulates a variety of real‐world scenarios, such as microgrids and smart grids, remote operations, and scaled portions of utility feeders and the transmission infrastructure. DETL’s test bed includes EMS and SCADA capabilities which can be used to test cybersecurity measures and vulnerability of smart grid technology and devices to cyber attack.

DETL is capable of carrying out tests under a variety of conditions, including:

· Grid-connected and off-grid

· Controllable loads simulate residential, commercial

· Multiple sources

· Energy storage

· Home/building/network EMS

 Technical capabilities:

 150 kW PV

• 1MW-hr storage capability

• 250 kW inverter capacity

• 3-Ø, 1-Ø µ-grids

• Communications infrastructure (ethernet, wireless, PLC)

• 10-node residential

• µ-inverter testbed

• 200kW diesel genset

The laboratory features linkages to other smart-grid field demos, including Mesa del Sol, PNM Prosperity Project, NMSU campus microgrid, and others.

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