Smart Transportation   –  Energy-Efficient Freight Transport Network:

ST-2.3 Logistical Strategies

Governor Brown's Executive Order B-32-15 directs the Secretary of California State Transportation Agency (CALSTA), Secretary of the California Environmental Protection Agency (CalEPA), and the Secretary of the Natural Resources Agency to lead other relevant State departments in developing an integrated action plan by July 2016 that "establishes clear targets to improve freight efficiency, transition to zero-emission technologies, and increase competitiveness of California's freight system." The participating State departments are the California Air Resources Board (ARB), California Department of Transportation (Caltrans), California Energy Commission, and the Governor's Office of Business and Economic Development (GO-Biz).

As directed by the Executive Order, the action plan identifies State policies, programs, and investments. Further, the plan is informed by existing state agency strategies, including the California Freight Mobility Plan, Sustainable Freight Pathways to Zero and Near-Zero Emissions, and the Integrated Energy Policy Report.

To ensure progress toward a sustainable freight system, the participating departments are also ordered to initiate work on corridor-level freight pilot projects within the State's primary trade corridors that integrate advanced technologies, alternative fuels, freight and fuel infrastructure, and local economic development opportunities.

The Executive Order further directs that the action plan be informed by broad stakeholder input. In support of this direction, the interagency team engaged stakeholders throughout the State through webinars, presentations to staff and boards from regional agencies, and briefings with interested parties such as industry leaders, environmental groups, and other community groups. The California Freight Advisory Committee (CFAC) has also been a forum to gather input from groups, organizations, and businesses representing a cross section of the freight community. Originally formed to provide input for the California Freight Mobility Plan, the CFAC continues to advise the State on freight-related priorities, issues, projects, and funding needs.

The Action Plan includes a long term-2050 vision and guiding principles for California’s future freight transport system along with these targets for 2030:

  • Improve freight system efficiency 25 percent by 2030.
  • Deploy over 100,000 zero-emission vehicles/equipment and maximize near-zero by 2020.
  • Foster future economic growth within the freight and goods movement industry.

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