Industry and Enterprise   –  Industry Overview:

Smart Buildings

“Anyone with an Internet connection can access the calculator to communicate their ideas on the future energy policies.

The simulator shows energy demand and supply together with land use scenarios and how they interact to determine the country’s future energy security, emissions and land utilization projected to the year 2050.

It is an interactive user-friendly tool that is based on an energy-balancing model which uses a number of sectoral trajectories to calculate possible development pathways.

The sectors included in the calculation are energy security; electricity; energy flows; land use and emissions from households, commerce, industry, transportation; and plantations, mining and construction; as well as conventional and renewable energy resources.

Users can explore all levels of pathway options and further investigate the impacts of the options on other sectors as shown in the related graphics.

For example, users can slow down the import of crude oil by optimizing the use of renewable energy resources, or they can reduce energy demand by changing people’s behavior and implementing regulations on the standard use of energy.”

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