Smart Transportation

Energy Efficient Urban Transport Network


ST-1.1 Energy-Efficient Vehicles

This folder includes projects that reduce energy consumption and greenhouse gas emissions of transit vehicles. This may include the use of alternative fuels, as well as improvements in fleet logistics leading to more efficient scheduling and route optimization, and other enhancements.

ST-1.2 Transit-Oriented Development

Projects involving land development strategies that maximize access to public transportation, encourage transit ridership, and enable higher density mixed-use development, leading to reductions in energy consumption and greenhouse gas emissions.

ST-1.3 Bus Rapid Transit (BRT)

This folder includes a variety of public transportation projects involving the provision of highly reliable, fast, and more efficient bus service, compared to ordinary bus line. BRT projects can range from traffic signal prioritization, provided to public transportation vehicles, to dedicated lanes used exclusively by transit buses.

ST-1.4 Urban Rail Transit

This folder includes any project that provides a dedicated guideway for (exclusive or shared) operation of transit vehicles. Both rail and bus projects may fall into this category, though it is worth noting that Bus Rapid Transit projects are more likely to be found in ST-1.2 Bus Rapid Transit (BRT).

ST-1.5 Bikes and Walkways

This folder includes projects involving improvements in facilities used for non-motorized transport, leading to higher accessibility and usage of non-motorized modes of transportation. This may include pedestrian sidewalks, bike lanes, and other improvements.

ST-1.6 Renewable Energy in Transport Systems

This folder includes a wide range of renewable technologies, such as solar, wind, geothermal, etc., that provide off-the-grid power generation from renewable sources. While these technologies typically apply to improvements to transit facilities, this could also include vehicle improvements (e.g. solar panels on roof or rail cars, etc.).

ST-1.7 Transportation Demand Management

This folder includes projects that make use of information and communication technologies to improve transit safety, travel reliability, environmental performance, and network operation resilience, or/and to enable informed travel choices, promote social equity, or provide other transportation benefits.

ST-1.8 Intelligent Transportation Systems (ITS)

This folder includes projects that make use of information and communication technologies to improve transit safety, travel reliability, environmental performance, and network operation resilience, or/and to enable informed travel choices, promote social equity, or provide other transportation benefits.