Introduction video
of the Hsinchu, Central Taiwan, and Southern Taiwan Science Park
Since the inception of Chinese Taipei’s first science park in 1980, the three major science parks located in Hsin-Chu, Taichung, and Tainan have attracted more than 800 businesses with a total of 270,000 employees. Science parks are by nature miniatures of a city, thus experience similar problems such as traffic congestion and insufficient parking spaces.
Under the jurisdiction of Ministry of Science and Technology, the three science parks are undergoing digital transformation. “Smart Park ICT Re-engineering Initiative” is implemented to drive changes and momentum.
Problems and Challenges
The Silicon Valley in Chinese Taipei, Hsin-Chu Science Park was originally planned with the capacity of 26,000 employees. Decades later, over 150,000 were employed with multiple growths. The other two parks experienced the same employment growth. As a result, traffic problem is shared by all parks. There is a large intake of workers during peak hours as most people choose private vehicles to commute. It is a typical sight to see hordes of motorcycles swarm over the roads and automobiles lining up bumper-to-bumper. Traffic congestion and the deterioration of air quality have posed a severe threat to science park commuters and compromising the quality of life. An alternative solution is in great need to solve the nightmare. Smart transportation is the answer!
Figure 1: Employment Growth of the Science Parks
Ministry of Science and Technology’s Strategic Approaches
Aiming to renovate the ICT infrastructure and promote overall synergy of the three science parks, the following approaches were planned.
1.Launch the “Smart Park ICT Re-engineering Initiative” to transform the three parks into intelligent communities.
The Ministry of Science and Technology has launched the “Smart Park ICT Re-engineering Initiative” to transform the three science parks into digital eco-communities of innovation and sustainability. Powered by cutting-edge ICT technologies, the framework includes a “Smart Park Digital Platform” which governs and administrates a variety of data-driven smart traffic and environment solutions.
Figure 2: Framework of “Smart Park ICT Re-engineering Initiative”
2.Implement “Smart Park Digital Platform” to collect big data and provide value-added insights.
“Smart Park Digital Platform” is a three-fold initiative with main focus on smart transportation, sustainability, and governance. The sensor networks collect, store, retrieve and analyze data collected from two major sources: traffic and the environment. The platform adopts a dashboard design to visualize the data in an intuitive way. It also connects with government systems to maximize synergy.
It is the intention to open the collected data to echo government’s “data-driven, public-private collaboration, and people-oriented” policy. With the release of open data and the use of the parks themselves as experimental fields, it will encourage autonomous development of innovative APIs and benefit park residents’ welfare and well-being.
The Science Parks’ Solution Implementations
Under the governance and administration of the “Smart Park Digital Platform”, the three science parks carried out the following solutions to reach maximum energy efficiency while solving transportation pain points.
1.Smart Traffic Control Center
The operation process of the smart traffic control center includes data collection (through e-Tags and CCTVs), traffic management, traffic signal control, and traffic report. It provides dynamic traffic management and integrates with related systems, e.g. traffic signal system, travelers’ information system, parking system, public transportation system, security system, etc. to enhance both traffic efficiency and safety. It is equipped with Active Traffic Management System (ATMS) to increase peak capacity and smooth traffic flows. CCTV is used for surveillance in areas that need monitoring. Under the management of the traffic control center, the driving time in the park can be reduced from 30 minutes to 20 minutes during peak hours, measurably improve traffic quality, reduce pollution, and increase efficiency.
2.Smart Electric Shuttle Bus
Electric vehicles are suitable choice for traffic congested areas with short driving distance, such as science parks. They are zero emission and highly efficient transit tools. Smart electric shuttle buses are used in the parks to partially substitute traditional fuel powered vehicles and encourage the use of public transportation. It provides intelligent transit services, reduces carbon emissions and fuel consumptions. The service routes connect the adjacent areas, train stations, High Speed Rail stops, and transferring bus stations.
The evolutionary smart device in the vehicles allows itself to communicate with other vehicles and infrastructures. The passengers can enjoy free Wi-Fi service and check dynamic bus schedule and arrival time via cell phone App and the LCD screen display at the bus stations.
In addition, the user-oriented DRTS (Demand Responsive Transit Service) is provided to reserve bus services during off-peak hours when the passenger demand is low. It offers flexible routing, fills the services gap and reduces operating cost. It also encourages the use of public transportation services and reduces the traffic flow in the park areas.
The expected results in the application of EVs in each park are as follows.
Table 1: CO2 reduction and fuel consumption saved per year in each park
Science Park |
Hsin-Chu SP |
Taichung SP |
Tainan SP |
Average |
CO2 Reduction Per Year |
45,605 Kg/Bus |
8,938 Kg/Bus |
21,645 Kg/Bus |
25,396 Kg/Bus |
Fuel Consumption Saved Per Year |
17,491 Liters/Bus |
6,500 Liters/Bus |
8,300 Liters/Bus |
10,764 Liters/Bus |
3.Smart Parking
It is common to see long queues in front of a parking lot, drivers circling around looking for vacancies, or finding where they park their vehicles. Smart parking solution provides vehicle fast pass, available parking space signage, ticketless/cashless payment, security system, inquiry check, etc. Through the use of ticketless/cashless payment and car plate recognition systems, the entrance time into a parking lot is shortened to 3~5 seconds per car. The average time for a driver to locate a vacant parking space is limited to less than 3 minutes, resulting in a much favorable user satisfaction and site management.
Figure 3: Smart signage system displays occupancy and allows drivers to look for available parking spaces.
Take Hisn-Chu science park for example, it is expected to accommodate 434,000 vehicles and save a total of 21,662 hours every year with the deployment of smart parking solution. It will maximize parking space usage, provide hassle-free user experience, and reduce staffing requirement. It saves time and money. It also reduces fuel consumption and carbon emissions.
4.Smart Digital Traffic Signage
The traffic flow in science parks are subject to car accidents, road constructions, traffic controls, weather and the like. Smart Traffic Signage will be installed in science parks and the connecting areas to provide information and give instructions to road users. The content of the digital signage system includes warning, priority, information, direction, notice, etc. The system synchronizes with Taiwan National Freeway Bureau’s dynamic traffic database every three minutes to report on traffic flow, thus assists route planning and avoids traffic congestion.
5.Launch “iLive Pro: Science Park Action Wizard” App to facilitate trip plans.
Cell phones are powerful and functional instruments once equipped with mobile apps. “iLive Pro: Science Park Action Wizard” is an integrated mobile App conceptualizes location-based services to provide park visitors with useful information like route schedules, maps, and best route navigation from user’s current location to destination. The user interface is easy and infographic. It is a useful and efficient tool for traffic planners.
Figure 4: “iLive Pro: Science Park Action Wizard” App
Results and Potential Impacts
Traffic infrastructure is crucial to the economic vitality of a nation. Smart transportation with emphasis on people-orientation and sustainability not only promotes government's management efficiency but also ensures a safer and eco-friendly environment.
With the strategies and efforts, the following results and potential impacts are desired and achieved.
1.The scheme promotes overall synergy and performance of the three science parks in attaining an eco-friendly community and creates a LOHAS living environment. The success of the initiative can be learned and copied by other communities as well. The social and economic benefits are beyond their own immediate values and will encourage the welfare of the society.
2.The Smart Park Digital Platform orchestrates different solutions to enhance park management and efficiency. The resourceful database, once made public, can be a precious treasure and powerful engine to drive further value-added applications.
3.The comprehensive solutions provide value added functionality for both management and public users.
●The deployment of smart electric vehicles not only reduces the use of private vehicles but also helps to save energy and ensure traffic performance. The three parks are expected to significantly reduce 960,000 kg CO2 emissions and save 119,100 liters of fuel consumption every year. The use of EVs also encourages the development and prosperity of the manufacturing industry.
●The ticketless/cashless payment system of the smart parking solution reduces vehicle occupancy time and reduce overstay. It increases payment efficiency, allows maximum capacity from space available, improves site managements, adds to hassle-free customer satisfaction, and most importantly, ensures a sustaining environment.
●The dynamic, real-time digital signage solution promises a smoother traffic, better road management, and seamless traffic coordination with adjacent areas.
Under the strategic guidance of Ministry of Science and Technology, Hsin-Chu, Taichung, and Tainan Science Parks in Chinese Taipei are riding the tide of smart transportation to reach sustainability. The three parks have taken proactive steps to advocate practice of “Energy Smart Communities” which hopefully will drive Chinese Taipei in achieving the holistic innovation of sustainable energy.