Non-Binding Just Energy Transition Principles for APEC Cooperation
Mindful of the commitment of APEC Leaders in APEC Putrajaya Vision 2040 to promote strong, balanced, secure, sustainable, and inclusive growth, and in recognition that more intensive efforts are needed for economies to accelerate their clean, sustainable, just, affordable, and inclusive energy transitions, APEC economies will develop a Just Energy Transition Initiative through the Energy Working Group to promote efforts to advance energy transitions in the APEC region that engage the workforce, private sector companies and investors, and communities in an equitable and inclusive way, including MSMEs, women and others with untapped economic potential, such as Indigenous Peoples as appropriate. We the APEC ministers endorse the following non-binding principles relevant to ongoing just energy transition activities in the APEC region and which economies may refer to, as per their domestic circumstances, in developing future energy transition policies and programs that advance economic growth, social well-being, and environmental stewardship. For use in this context, APEC economies may consider that just transitions are a continuous process of moving toward a sustainable, resilient, and equitable economy that provides decent, productive, and ecologically responsible livelihoods; and equitably distributes costs and benefits of the energy system within APEC economies as per their domestic circumstances. Just transitions recognize and respect local circumstances in APEC economies. We further task the Energy Working Group to seek opportunities to incorporate these principles as applied to future workstreams for information exchange and capacity building.
1.Take into account domestically defined economic growth priorities.
2.Pursue positive environmental, social, and economic outcomes.
3.Deliver domestically defined equitable benefits.
4.Support inclusion and gender equality.
5.Create resilient firms, institutions, and communities.
6.Provide support for decent work and workforce development.
7.Promote healthy lives and well-being for all.
Just Energy Transition Initiative
The Just Energy Transition Initiative was established and welcomed by APEC energy ministers in 2024 as the newest EWG initiative (following the Energy Security Initiative and the Energy Smart Communities Initiative). The initiative’s document can be found here.