Green Buildings Promotion Program in Chinese Taipei Chinese Taipei In an effort to move towards Zero Energy buildings, Chinese Taipei has implemented a Green Building ...
Building Environmental Assessment Method (BEAM) Hong Kong, China The BEAM Society is the non-profit organisation that owns and operates, on a self-financing basis, t...
GREENSHIP Indonesia The Green Building Council of Indonesia is currently drafting a green building rating system - calle...
Comprehensive Assessment System for Built Environment Efficiency Japan Buildings, which consume and discard resources and energy in enormous quantities, are one of archite...
Korea Green Building Certification the Republic of Korea In 2001 the South Korean government’s Ministry of Land, Infrastructure and Transportation (MLIT) a...
Korea Green Building Council (KGBC) the Republic of Korea Korea Green Building Council (KGBC), founded in 2000, recognizes that the dissemination of green bui...
Green Building Index Malaysia The Green Building Index (GBI) is Malaysia’s industry recognised green rating tool for buildings t...
LEED Mexico Mexico The Mexico Green Building Council is a non-profit association made up of leading companies and organ...