• ST-1.4 Urban Rail Transit

    This folder includes any project that provides a dedicated guideway for (exclusive or shared) operation of transit vehicles. Both rail and bus projects may fall into this category, though it is worth noting that Bus Rapid Transit projects are more likely to be found in ST-1.2 Bus Rapid Transit (BRT).

  • ST-1.3 Bus Rapid Transit (BRT)

    This folder includes a variety of public transportation projects involving the provision of highly reliable, fast, and more efficient bus service, compared to ordinary bus line. BRT projects can range from traffic signal prioritization, provided to public transportation vehicles, to dedicated lanes used exclusively by transit buses.

  • ST-1.2 Transit-Oriented Development

    Projects involving land development strategies that maximize access to public transportation, encourage transit ridership, and enable higher density mixed-use development, leading to reductions in energy consumption and greenhouse gas emissions.

  • Energy Efficient Urban Transport Network

    The APEC Smart Transport Energy Efficient Urban Transport Network effort (ST-1) was established under the Energy Smart Communities Initiative (ESCI) that was launched by Japanese Prime Minister Kan and U.S. President Obama on the occasion of the APEC Leaders meeting in Yokohama in November 2010. Six APEC economies have joined the effort: Australia, Canada, Indonesia, Singapore, Chinese Taipei and the United States. These economies will contribute examples of energy-efficient urban transport strategies.

  • Smart Grids

    Smart grids incorporate a wide range of technologies and practices to make the operation of electric power systems more efficient, facilitate more efficient energy use in buildings and industry, and enable the greater penetration of intermittent renewable power sources. The Smart Grid pillar will focus on: Increasing energy efficiency by enabling demand response. Lowering carbon […]

  • Smart Jobs & Consumers

    Smart Jobs and Consumers initiative will create opportunities to train the workforce needed for energy smart communities to help save energy, reduce carbon emissions, and lower energy bills.

  • Smart Buildings

    Since buildings account for one-third of all energy use in the APEC region, the Smart Buildings pillar of ESCI will investigate cost-effective ways to bolster energy efficiency in both new and existing buildings, with a range of approaches adapted to the tropical, temperate and cold climates of APEC economies.

  • Smart Transportation

    Transportation accounts for 27% of total final energy consumption in APEC economies. The Smart Transport pillar of the Energy-Smart Communities Initiative will examine clean and efficient ways of moving both goods and people. Smart Transportation focuses on reducing travel times, costs, energy use and GHG emissions.

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