AMI – Challenges and Benefits
This presentation about ‘Advanced Metering Infrastructure (AMI) – Challenges and Benefits: SmartMeter Experience at PG&E’ was delivered by Lanyuen Belvin Louie (Information Technology Manager…
This presentation about ‘Advanced Metering Infrastructure (AMI) – Challenges and Benefits: SmartMeter Experience at PG&E’ was delivered by Lanyuen Belvin Louie (Information Technology Manager…
The Fukui Declaration from the Ninth Energy Ministers Meeting (EMM-9), June 2010, states that “smart grid technologies, including advanced battery technologies for highly-efficient…
Climate change brings about more severe weather and poses an unprecedented challenge for us. Scientists told us that if we make concerted and imminent mitigation efforts, we could avert the impact at lower cost. Being part of the international community, we should contribute to the solution. In the 2008/09 Policy Address, the Chief Executive announced that the Government will […]
In FY 2010, as described below, the movement for dissemination of photovoltaic power generation has extended. The domestic PV market has grown to the level of close 1/GW of annual installed capacity completely, getting out of the sluggish situation, thanks to the subsidy program for residential PV systems and the start of a new program to purchase surplus PV power based upon the Act on the Promotion of the Use of Nonfossil Energy Sources and Effective Use of Fossil Energy Source Materials by Energy Suppliers.
Instructions from Energy Ministers at EMM-9 The Fukui Declaration from the Ninth Energy Ministers Meeting in June 2010 states that “smart grid technologies, including advanced battery technologies for highly-efficient and costeffective energy storage, can help to integrate intermittent renewable power sources and building control systems that let businesses and consumers use energy more efficiently, and […]
This article examines Bus Rapid Transit (BRT) as a near-term strategy for reducing CO2 emissions in a typical medium-sized U.S. city. The paper compares the expected CO2 emissions from three scenarios…
This survey explores the range of policies and programs available to pubic sector decision makers to maximize the efficiency of the transportation sector in their jurisdictions…
Bus Rapid Transit (BRT) can help Asia-Pacific Economic Cooperation (APEC) economies reduce oil consumption and associated emissions of air pollution and greenhouse gases. BRT also can help mitigate growing traffic congestion and encourage more sustainable urban development…
This Energy Saving Windows report outlines information necessary for increased energy efficiency in APEC economies…
Recent environmental, economic and energy security trends point to major challenges: energy related CO2 emissions are at an historic high, the global economy remains in a fragile state, and energy demand continues to rise…