• APEC 21st Century Renewable Energy Development Initiative (Collaborative IX): Stock-take of Electric Vehicle Interface with Electricity and Smart Grids across APEC Economies and the Potential for Harmonisation

    The objective of this project is to enhance understanding in APEC economies of electric vehicle (EV) connectivity to electricity grids and identify harmonization opportunities to promote the deployment and integration of EVs, both the actual vehicles and the supporting technologies, by providing: An assessment of current and planned grid and vehicle interconnection standards and regulations […]

  • APEC Cooperative Energy Efficiency Design for Sustainability (CEEDS) Phase 1: Appliance Energy Efficiency Standards and Labeling

    Phase 1 of the APEC Cooperative Energy Efficiency Design for Sustainability (CEEDS) project focused on energy- efficient appliance standards and labeling (S&L) as one of the high-performance policies available to help APEC economies achieve the APEC-wide regional aspirational goal of reducing energy intensity at least 25 percent by 2030. CEEDS is a multi-year project aimed […]

  • Energy and Water Efficiency in Water Supply: Practical Training on Proven Approaches

    Treating water for human consumption and moving treated water to the consumer is an extremely energy-intensive undertaking; every liter of water that passes through a water system represents a significant energy cost. Globally, energy is among the top three costs to water facilities, and cities in developing countries spend 50-60% of their budget on the energy-intensive process of moving water around. Typical problems in municipal pumping stations are inefficient pumps and motors, mismatch in head and flow, inadequate pipe sizing, excess contract demand and system over-design. These problems can be combated by new and efficient pumps, leak management, automated controls, pressure management systems, and comprehensive metering and monitoring.

  • Best Practice Guide for LED Street and Outdoor Lighting

    At the Seventh APEC (Asia-Pacific Economic Cooperation) Energy Ministers Meeting (EMM-7) in Gyeongju, Korea, ministers encouraged APEC economies to adopt further measures to promote energy efficiency and conservation, directed the APEC Energy Working Group (EWG) to identify best practices to assess efficiency improvements, and further directed the EWG to support capacity building efforts in this regard. At the Eighth […]

  • Expanding Rail Transit in Hangzhou and Ningbo

    CSR Hangzhou Rail Transit Co mainly produces Metro cars and also serves as a maintenance center. The plant has a total investment of 1.6 billion yuan (US$239 million) and covers 300,150 square meters in Xiaoshan District. In early 2014, CSR received an order to manufacture all 29 carriages for Hangzhou ‘s Metro Line 4 and most […]

  • Railway Construction in China

    In late March 2014, the National Development and Reform Commission (NDRC), China’s main economic planning agency, recently announced that it has approved five railway construction projects with total investment pegged at 142.4 billion yuan (US$22.85 billion), despite a number of controversies surrounding the country’s levels of local government debt and construction plans. The five approved railway […]

  • Bike Sharing in China

    Decades ago, bicycles were a predominant mode of transport mode in China, to the point where China was known as the “Kingdom of Bicycles”. Rapid economic growth coupled with urbanization led to a surge in car buying and a decline in biking. In an effort to reduce smog in Chinese cities and encourage sustainable transport, […]

  • Sustainable Urbanization in China

    By 2030, up to 70% of the Chinese population – some one billion – will be living in cities. The World Bank and the Development Research Center of China’s State Council issued a joint report, Urban China: Toward Efficient, Inclusive and Sustainable Urbanization, which includes six priority areas for a new model of urbanization. Click […]

  • APEC Peer Review on Low-Carbon Energy Policies (PRLCE) in Indonesia – Phase 2

    This report presents the results of a peer review of low carbon energy policies conducted in Jakarta, Indonesia by a review team of nine experts who visited Indonesia in May 2013. The Indonesia government had issued Law No. 30 in 2007 regarding Energy as overall legal framework, and established the National Energy Council (DEN) to manage […]

  • Establishing Low Carbon Energy Indicators for Energy Strategy Study in APEC Low Carbon Town

    International Energy Agency (IEA) has since 1997 developed a series of energy indicators to study energy-use developments and analyze factors behind changes in energy use and CO2 emissions. Energy indicators (and the underlying databases) reveal key relationships between energy use, energy prices and economic activity. This insight is crucial when assessing and monitoring past and present energy policies, and […]

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