• Low Exergy Technologies in the Tropics: Innovative Technologies for Future Cities

    Global urbanization is happening; particularly in Asia, where energy consumption within buildings is quickly becoming a focal point of rapid urbanization. In Singapore, for example, climate control and ventilation account for about 70% of total electricity consumption. And industries (warehouses, factories etc.) as well as other buildings account for 43% and  31% of total consumption, respectively.  The current situation is widespread, wasteful, and incommensurate with […]

  • Urban Street Design Guide

    The Urban Street Design Guide gives an overview of the principles that cities are using to make their streets safe and inviting for people walking, shopping, parking, and driving in an urban context. These principles are about creating real spaces for people on city streets. Economic development is integrally tied into this transformation, since great streets support city businesses. And paramount to all of this is the safety of people, old and young, on our city streets.

  • China’s Development of Low-Carbon Eco-Cities and Associated Indicator Systems

    Introduction “China’s urban population surpassed its rural population historically in 2011, when the number of Chinese living in towns and cities reached about 690 million1. In the years to come, cities in China will face major challenges as their rapidly increasing populations burden already crowded infrastructure systems and exacerbate environmental and climate change issues, threatening […]

  • Seizing the future: Energizing green cities (article)

    Cities have always been the engines of economic growth; now they hold the key to a sustainable future. Cities today have a unique opportunity to become global engines of green growth by choosing energy-efficient solutions for their infrastructure needs.

  • The 2014 International Energy Efficiency Scorecard

    A country that uses less energy to achieve the same or better results reduces its costs and pollution, creating a stronger, more competitive economy. While energy efficiency has played a role in the economies of developed nations for decades, cost-effective energy efficiency remains a massively underutilized energy resource.

  • Brunei Energy Report Whitepaper

    To secure the future of Brunei Darussalam’s energy sector, the EDPMO has set 3 Strategic Goals to propel the energy sector forward and realise the National Vision: Strategic Goal 1 – Strengthen and Grow Oil and Gas Upstream and Downstream Activities Strategic Goal 2 – Ensure Safe, Secure, Reliable and Efficient Supply and Use of […]

  • The Concept of the Low-Carbon Town in the APEC Region, Third Edition

    In the third phase of the LCMT Project, the “Concept of the Low Carbon Town” was refined as a Third Edition, which mainly focused on “redevelopment of the existing area”, and feasibility study and policy review for Da Nang in Viet Nam was provided as same procedure as previous phases.

  • Addressing Grid-interconnection Issues in Order to Maximize the Utilization of New and Renewable Energy Sources

    With the ongoing focus on reducing emissions from energy production and use, renewable energy is being deployed at an increasing rate worldwide. Broadly speaking, renewable energy can be described as either centralized large-scale plants (e.g. wind farms, geothermal, large-scale hydro, marine, solar thermal, bioenergy) or distributed generation (e.g. photovoltaic, small-scale wind, micro-hydro, small-scale bioenergy). Distributed […]

  • BRT System Grows in China

    In Lianyungang, six 18m-long natural gas vehicles began operating on Lianyungang’s BRT Line B1, Line B1K and the night route of B1 on March 1, 2014. Two buses were added to Line B1 and four to Line B1K and the night route of B1. Line B1 will add eight shifts while Line B1K and the […]

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