• Europe’s Vibrant New Low Car(bon) Communities

    This report, researched and produced by the Institute for Transportation & Development Policy investigates eight European cities that have reduced the carbon emissions through decreased car usage and ownership.  Each case study includes background on the city, as well as how best practices were incorporated into the smart growth process.

  • NACTO Urban Bikeway Design Guide

    The purpose of the National Association of City Transportation Officials Urban Bikeway Design Guide (Part of the Cities for Cycling intiative) is to provide cities with state-of-the-practice solutions that can help create complete streets thta rae safe and enjoyable for bicyclists.

  • PlaNYC Exploring Electric Vehicle Adoption in New York City

    This report examines the feasibility of Electic Vehicle Adoption in New York City as a part of the PlaNYC initiative which establishes an aggressive strategy to reduce the City’s greenhouse gas emissions in 2030 by 30% from 2005 levels.

  • Assessing the Role of Distributed Power Systems in the U.S. Power Sector

    This report, published in October 2011 by the Energy Security Initiative at Brookings and the Hoover Institution Shultz-Stephenson Task Force on Energy Policy addresses the role and potential of distributed power systems (DPS).  It considers current economic, environmental and energy security costs, policies and regulations, potential barriers and ways to overcome them, and the role […]

  • GHG Modeling by E3

    The California Public Utility Commission (CPUC) selected a team led by Energy and Environmental Economics, Inc. (E3) to model the electricity sector’s compliance with AB32, California’s Global Warming Solutions Act. This law requires a reduction in statewide greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions to 1990 levels by 2020. E3’s modeling work was initially completed in May 2008 […]

  • Long Term Reflective Performance of Roof Membranes

    A combined experimental and analytical  study was conducted to  quantify the energy savings for cool roof membranes.  SPRI and several members of SPRI enacted user agreements with ORNL to study the effect of climatic exposure on the surface properties of single ply membranes. SPRI and its affiliates field-tested for three years their single ply low slope roofing systems on […]

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