• Cool Roof Design Brief

    On a sunny summer day, a typical roof surface can reach temperatures that are nearly 100°F above the ambient temperature. A cool roof, by contrast, stays at or near the ambient temperature due to the characteristics of its outer layer. There are many benefits to keeping a roof ’s surface cooler, including air-conditioning energy and […]

  • Smart Grid Roadmap and Detailed Implementation Plan

    The European energy and climate change targets for 2020 and beyond require a major acceleration of the development and deployment of cost-effective low-carbon energy technologies, as proposed in the SET Plan. A single, stronger and smarter European electricity grid will have a central role to accommodate the resulting massive deployment of renewable and decentralised energy sources.

  • Smart Grid Research & Development Multi-Year Program Plan (MYPP)

    The Smart Grid Research and Development (R&D) Program within the Research and Development Office of the DOE Office of Electricity Delivery & Energy Reliability (OE), in accordance with Title XIII of the Energy Independence and Security Act of 2007 (EISA), is tasked with accelerating the deployment and integration of advanced communication and control systems that […]

  • Common Carbon Metric: Protocol for measuring energy use and reporting greenhouse gas emissions from building operations

    Leading experts from around the world have, through extensive international cooperation, developed a universal method of measuring a building’s carbon footprint. Supported by the United Nations Environment Program, this new ‘Common Carbon Metric’ will allow emissions from buildings around the world to be consistently assessed and compared, and improvements measured.

  • Smart Grid Australia: Maximizing Consumer Benefits

    This report was produced by the Consumer Working Group of Smart Grid Australia. Its intention is to aid discussion of Smart Grid technologies and inform the debate, by presenting a balanced view of consumer benefits and the potential challenges associated with implementation and community acceptance. It also provides insight into relevant local and international examples of Smart Grid pilots and trials and their outcomes.

  • Smart Grid, Smart City: A new direction for a new energy era

    The Australian Government announced in the 2009 Federal Budget the availability of up to $100 million for the implementation of a fully integrated smart grid at commercial scale, through the National Energy Efficiency Initiative (NEEI). The government’s investment in Smart Grid, Smart City was subject to a pre-deployment study designed to provide further information to […]

  • Smart Grid: Enabler of the New Energy Economy

    The purpose of the Report is to address barriers and opportunities to deploying Smart Grid technologies to enhance the Nation’s electric power delivery system to meet the challenges of the 21 st century. The Report focuses on specific actions the U.S. Department of Energy can take to implement Smart Grid technologies

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