• The Green Vehicle Trend: Electric, Plug-in hybrid or Hydrogen fuel cell?

    Energy supply security and global warming continue to challenge all countries around the world in terms of global economy and planet environment. Renewable energy technologies are being explored to meet the challenges of energy security and climate change, as well as to boost regional economic development

  • Walkability and Pedestrian Facilities in Asian Cities: State and Issues

    Asian cities have traditionally been cities of walkers, and many urban dwellers rely on walking, cycling and public transport for their daily travel. However, with the exponential increase in motorization, limited attention has been paid to pedestrian and public transport facilities. A change in focus is required which will allow people, not vehicles, to reclaim the urban environment.

  • Share the Road: Investment in Walking and Cycling Road Infrastructure

    Roads are meant to facilitate mobility, the movement of people and goods. But many roads have become too congested with traffic and no longer meet their main purpose of improving accessibility. Moreover, most roads have been developed with the motor vehicle as the principal user. The results are sobering. Road transport accounts for 17% of […]

  • Transportation NAMAs: A Proposed Framework

    Any realistic strategy to reduce global GHG emissions must address transportation in the developing world. Most of the growth in transportation GHGs by 2050 will be in the developing world, and by 2030, more than half of all vehicles will be in non-OECD countries. Failure to address this sector will shift mitigation responsibilities and costs to other sectors, such as electricity generation, or jeopardize achieving targets for atmospheric CO2 concentrations.

  • Indonesia Climate Change Sectoral Roadmap Synthesis

    The Indonesia Climate Change Sectoral Roadmap (ICCSR) is meant to provide inputs for the 5 year Medium-term Development Plan (RPJM) 2010-2014, and also for the subsequent RPJMN until 2030, laying particular emphasis on the challenges emerging in the forestry, energy, industry, agriculture, transportation, coastal area, water, waste and health sectors.

  • Policy Options for Transport

    The Policy Options for Transport paper was produced through the eighteenth session of the Commission on Sustainable Development by the Partnership on Sustainable, Low Carbon Transport.

  • New Zealand Transport Strategy

    Chapter 1: Discusses the overall context for this Strategy and sets out the transport vision, objectives and targets.
    Chapter 2: Summarises trends in transport, and describes the key challenges facing the transport sector that may put at risk the achievement of the vision and targets.

  • Smart Transportation Emission Reduction Strategies

    This report investigates the optimal (best overall, taking into account all benefits and costs) transportation emission reduction strategies. Current evaluation methods tend to undervalue mobility management (also called Transportation Demand Management or TDM) strategies that increase transport system efficiency by changing travel behavior

  • Policy Guide on Surface Transportation

    The United States is truly at a transportation crossroads. We have operated from a perspective that largely dates to the 1950s to build, maintain, and operate the nation’s transportation infrastructure. With major energy, environmental, social, and economic challenges occurring as the current federal transportation law is scheduled for authorization, now is the time for substantive change in our approach to delivering transportation projects and services that will position America for prosperity for the next 50 to 100 years.

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