Smart Jobs & Consumers

SJ-1.2 Energy Efficiency Training Resources

Taoyuan City’s Training Course for Marching Towards Net Zero Emissions

In response to international net-zero trends, Taoyuan City, the leading city in Taiwan for industrial output, has been fully committed since 2023 to assisting its industries in transforming talent, resources, and investment to align with global standards. The Taoyuan City Government promotes multifaceted public-private collaborations to understand current industry carbon risks, standard tools for corporate carbon management, policy tools under climate change laws, and to explore sustainability issues in conjunction with Taoyuan City’s net-zero policies.


Assessment Method:

The city organizes ISO-compliant courses and conducts tests afterward, awarding certificates only to those who pass.

Programs for Implementing the Curriculum:

Internally, to help government employees understand net-zero trends, the city government invites renowned domestic experts and scholars each month to teach courses related to net-zero, sustainability, or climate change.

Externally, to help industries understand their greenhouse gas emissions and establish baseline data, the city offers greenhouse gas inventory courses. These courses train professional talent and strengthen foundational skills in greenhouse gas accounting. Through collaborative efforts, the city aims to enhance public-private cooperation, increase Taoyuan’s greenhouse gas inventory capabilities, and work together with local businesses to conduct and reduce organizational greenhouse gas emissions. As of the end of April 2024, 1,087 individuals have been trained.

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