Smart Transportation

ST-1.3 Bus Rapid Transit (BRT)

MTIC Strategic Plan 2025

MTIC 2025 is a strategic plan for Brunei, its’ main vision is to create a vibrant and diverse economy, enhance competitiveness and economic growth through the development of infrastructure, innovation, data capabilities, human capital and other resources, and improve quality of life, public Services, schools, safety, mobility and environmental sustainability. The mission is to strengthen interconnection and create more social and economic opportunities, innovation and high quality of life. The core value is MTI^3 C, which means M-Make a real different; T-Teamwork; I-Integrity; I-Innovation; I-Instilling respect; C-Collaboration.

Moreover, there are 6 Strategic Objectives included in the plan. SO1-digital transformation (To enhance efficiency, effectiveness and transparency in process implementation); SO2-ensuring sustainability of transport and info communications sectors (The policy includes ensuring services are accessible and affordable; and regulation to be improved to ensure healthy competition and facilitate sectoral development and growth); SO3-Safety standards in transport and info communications sectors (The encompasses compliance to international safety and security standards in the transport and info communications sectors); SO4-Policy and regulatory framework conducive to investment and business (Endeavors to increase the GDP contributions from the Transport and info communications sectors. In this regard, MTIC will foster and maintain an environment conducive to investment and operating businesses); SO5-organisational transformation (To shift the roles from providing public services, building and operating infrastructures to that of policy setting. In its strengthened role of policy maker, it shall develop specific policies establishing regulatory framework and business facilitation); SO6-Enhancing international cooperation (To ensure our transport and info communications sectors are in line with regional and international standards, developments and best practices).

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