• Clean Cities program

    The mission of the Clean Cities program is to advance the nation’s economic, environmental, and energy security by supporting local decisions to adopt practices that contribute to the reduction of petroleum consumption. Clean Cities carries out this mission through a network of more than 85 volunteer coalitions, which develop public/private partnerships to promote alternative fuels and vehicles, fuel blends, fuel economy, hybrid vehicles, and idle reduction.

  • Green Star Rating Program

    Green Star is a comprehensive, national, voluntary environmental rating system that evaluates the environmental design and construction of buildings. With more than 4 million square meters of Green Star-certified space around Australia, and a further 8 million square metres of Green Star-registered space, Green Star has transformed Australia’s property and construction market. Green Star was developed for the property industry in order to: Establish a common language; Set a standard of measurement for green buildings; Promote integrated, whole-building design; Recognize environmental leadership; Identify building life-cycle impacts; and Raise awareness of green building benefits.

  • Roof Savings Calculator (RSC), Beta Release v0.92

    The Roof Savings Calculator was developed as an industry-consensus roof savings calculator for commercial and residential buildings using whole-building energy simulations. It is built upon the DOE-2.1E engine for fast energy simulation and integrates AtticSim for advanced modeling of modern attic and cool roofing technologies.

  • A Method for Determining Optimal Residential Energy Efficiency Retrofit Packages

    Businesses, government agencies, consumers, policy makers, and utilities currently have limited access to occupant-, building-, and location-specific recommendations for optimal energy retrofit packages, as defined by estimated costs and energy savings. This report describes an analysis method for determining optimal residential energy efficiency retrofit packages and, as an illustrative example, applies the analysis method to a 1960s-era home in eight U.S. cities covering a range of International Energy Conservation Code (IECC) climate regions.

  • 2011 Climate Action Strategy for Transportation System

    In 2007, San Francisco voters passed Proposition A and directed the SFMTA to “develop and implement strategies for substantially reducing” transportation sector carbon emissions. The 2011 CAS meets the 2007 directive by proposing six GHG mitigation strategies that build upon San Francisco and global best practices. The strategies address transportation sector policies and programs needed to meet adopted GHG reduction goals of 80 percent below 1990 levels by 2050.

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