• EarthSmart Solutions

    FedEx is systematically increasing the efficiency of its aircraft, vehicles and facilities, and implementing alternative energy sources as a part of its EarthSmart project. EarthSmart encourages innovation, learning and action that make business more sustainable.

  • Australia-Indonesia BRIDGE (Building Relationships through Intercultural Dialogue and Growing Engagement) Project

    The Australia-Indonesia BRIDGE Project aims to increase knowledge and understanding between Australia and Indonesia through school-to-school partnerships that link students in both countries.

    63 schools across Australia have partnered 62 Indonesian schools from eight Indonesian provinces since 2008. 11 of the Indonesian schools are Basic Education Program (BEP) schools, an Australian Government initiative aimed at building 2000 schools in disadvantaged areas across Indonesia.

    The Australia Indonesia Institute (AII) has received funds from The Myer Foundation and AusAID to support the BRIDGE project. The Asia Education Foundation (AEF) manages the project.

  • American-Thai Sister School Program

    American-Thai Sister School Program promotes friendship between American and Thai students.

    Thailand and the U.S. have enjoyed cordial relations for almost 180 years (official contacts between the United States and Thailand date back to 1833). Thailand is the oldest Treaty ally of the U.S. in Asia.

  • Green Buildings Promotion Program in Chinese Taipei

    In an effort to move towards Zero Energy buildings, Chinese Taipei has implemented a Green Building Promotion Program. This approach considers building envelopes, building integrated renewable energy, building insulation materials, air leakage and reducing emissions, air conditioning and hot water, pumps, facility lighting, automation and control systems, ESCO, energy performance certification, and legislation.

  • Ngu Hanh Son District in Danang City

    Danang City, Vietnam has proposed a LCT model for their Ngu Hanh Son District. The proposal incorporates new technologies and a “policy of an effective dissemination” to accomplish their ambitious goals of incorporating the use of biomass energy, effective transportation systems and energy efficient buildings to achieve model LCMT status.

  • San Borja, Lima, Peru

    The town of San Borja strives to create a model environment that guarantees the safety, health, and quality of life for its community. Overall San Borja aims to improve
    the quality of life of people by assuring the existence of healthy ecosystems, viable and functional in the long term, and sustainable development of community through prevention, protection and restoration of the environment and its components, the conservation and sustainable use of natural resources, responsible and consistent with respect for fundamental rights of the person. The Low Carbon Town approach will provide the planning framework and metrics for doing so.

  • King County Low Carbon Model Town

    King County has long recognized that it can reduce operating costs and emissions of greenhouse gases and other pollutants by reducing its energy use, meeting more of its energy needs with local renewable resources, and taking advantage of opportunities to produce energy (including renewable energy), where practical. Energy continues to be a major cost to the County, and reducing this expense will contribute to the County’s ability to maintain critical services.

  • Electric Vehicle Technology Roadmap for Canada: A strategic vision for highway-capable battery-electric, plug-in and other hybrid-electric vehicles

    Natural Resources Canada has produced a “Roadmap” for ensuring national development and adoption of electric vehicles (EVs). The Roadmap covers a wide range of topics related to the production and deployment of 500,000 or more EVs in Canada by 2018. Topics include energy storage, components for EVs, vehicles integration, business models and opportunities for EVs, government policies, regulatory and human resource issues, and public awareness and education.

  • Muangklang Low Carbon City

    The Muang Klang Low Carbon Town project, an initiative of the municipal mayor, Somchai Chariyacharoen, has launched a comprehensive program including solid waste reduction, water and air quality improvement programs, implementation of natural gas vehicles, and overall quality of live improvement programs.

  • Rural Power Project

    The objective of the Project is to support the implementation of the Rural Power Development Program aimed at supporting the reforms and priority investments to improve the quality of life in the rural areas through the provision of adequate, affordable and reliable energy services. Specifically, the Project would (a) test and demonstrate viable business models that maximize leverage of public resources with private investment for decentralized electrification, (b) support the transformation of electric cooperatives through institutional and operational improvements; and (c) avoid CO2 emissions.

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