Xiamen Bus Rapid Transit
Xiamen’s Bus Rapid Transit (BRT) was formally put into operation on August 31, 2008, and is considered China’s first elevated BRT network.
Xiamen’s Bus Rapid Transit (BRT) was formally put into operation on August 31, 2008, and is considered China’s first elevated BRT network.
After establishing BRT as a priority, Kunming built its first modern bus lane in April 1999, which marked the earliest practice of BRT in China.
The primary goal of AVTA is to provide benchmark data for technology modeling, and research and development programs, by benchmarking and validating the performance of light-, medium-, and heavy-duty vehicles that feature one or more advanced technologies, including:
The proposed Thailand Test and Simulation Facility will enable improved building energy efficiency policies and programs, reduce trade barriers, and directly support Energy Smart Communities Initiative (ESCI), Smart Buildings-Materials Testing and Rating Center activity (SB-2).
The objective of the BRT (Bus Rapid Transit) Macrobus in Guadalajara, Mexico is to establish an efficient, safe, rapid, convenient, comfortable and effective modern mass transit system based on a BRT system.
A consortium of Japanese corporations are working with Forest City Enterprises (based in Cleveland) to create Mesa del Sol, a mixed-use redevelopment project with plans for 18 million square feet of office, industrial, retail space, and about 37,000 homes.
The California Hydrogen Highway Network (CaH2Net) was initiated in April of 2004 by Executive Order S-07-04. The mission of the CaH2Net is to support and catalyze a rapid transition to a clean, hydrogen transportation economy in California in order to:
The EV Project is deploying charge infrastructure in 18 major cities and metropolitan areas in 6 states and the District of Columbia in an effort to pave the way for the successful rollout of electric transportation across America.
Adopt a Charger, a nonprofit organization, accelerates the widespread adoption of plug-in vehicles through the proliferation of public, fee-free electric car chargers which are “adopted” by sponsors. These sponsors, corporations, organizations and individuals, donate funds used to install and maintain EV chargers in parks, museums, beaches and other widely used public places.
The Northeast Electric Vehicle Network formed in October 2011 to foster a clean energy economy and reduce the region’s dependence on oil and its emissions of greenhouse gases and other air pollutants.