SIRFN LAAS-CNRS Facility ProfileThe LAAS‐CNRS new challenges deals with information, communication and energy sciences and technologies. For over a few years now, a fully novel, very challenging and transversal experimental mul9disciplinary project, called ADREAM, has been launched.

  • Strategic Energy Action Plan for State and Local Governments

    The predominant approach to commercial energy efficiency is to focus on single-technology, one-time solutions—such as replacing lighting or cooling equipment with more efficient technologies. This transaction-based approach limits whole-building performance improvement and keeps building operators focused on short-term savings rather than continuous improvement. An organization-wide strategic energy management approach that sets long-term energy savings goals and uses rigorous tracking and reporting systems can drive greater savings, reach across entire building portfolios, and institutionalize such practices to sustain long-term savings.

  • Creating An Eco-Friendly Railway Environment

    In accordance with the sustainable energy policy and energy efficiency program, Chinese Taipei is committed to achieving CO2 emissions of 2005 levels by 2020 and 2000 levels by 2025. In order to promote carbon reduction in the transportation sector, the Ministry of Transportation and Communications developed the “Green Transportation Development Policy” and tasked relevant authorities to implement the plans accordingly. For example, the Taiwan Railways Administration (TRA) is focusing on two points:

  • Fuel Saver: Vehicle Fuel Economy Labeling

    Since April 2008, cars for sale have had to display information about the vehicle’s fuel economy. This helps buyers choose a vehicle that uses less fuel. A vehicle with lower fuel consumption can be expected to go further on a full tank and save money, while at the same time reducing emissions of carbon dioxide and other gases that cause pollution and contribute to climate change.

  • Building Energy Efficiency Policies in China

    This is the first report of this kind issued internationally that provides a comprehensive English summary of Chinese studies on building energy policies in China. In China, an estimated 2 billion square meters of new buildings is added each year. The total area of existing buildings in 2010 amounts to 48 billion square meters. In the context of this unprecedented construction boom, this new report provides a unique opportunity to learn from Chinese best practices on building energy efficiency.

  • Fundación Metrópoli’s EcoBox

    Ecobox, the building of Fundación Metrópoli, was conceived with two basic criteria: the creation of a place for innovation and creativity, and the commitment to bioclimatic principles. The design of the building was inspired by architectural concepts of sustainability, and incorporates advanced bioclimatic facilities and construction systems.

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