• EcoPorts Certification

    The European port sector has achieved significant progress in the field of environmental management during the last 15 years and this has been largely driven through the long standing close cooperation between ESPO and Ecoports.

  • Green Marine Environmental Program

    Green Marine is a joint Canada-U.S. initiative aimed at implementing a marine industry environmental program throughout North America. Founded in 2007 by the major marine industry associations in both Canada and the U.S., Green Marine has a reputation for credibility and transparency, and for challenging participant companies to improve their environmental performance beyond regulatory compliance.

  • Green Award Certification

    The Green Award Foundation is an independent organization, founded in 1994 through a joint effort of the Rotterdam Municipal Port Management and the Dutch Ministry of Transport. Green Award was created with the idea that reducing the environmental effects of shipping benefits everyone

  • Rubber-Tire Gantry (RTG) Crane Electric Conversion

    APM Terminals’ program to convert Rubber-Tire Gantry (RTG) cranes from diesel to electric power announced a year ago has taken another major step forward with the signing of a $1.3 million USD contract with German-based Conductix-Wampfler for the retrofitting of RTGs at LCB Container Terminal 1 Ltd.

  • San Francisco Bay Area Green Ports Initative

    In an effort to reduce the level of emissions from the Bay Area ports, the Air Quality Management District is in the process of implementing an action plan that included air quality targets, reducing DPMs, and reducing greenhouse gas emissions overall.

  • Green Ports Guidelines

    Guidelines have been developed by Sydney Ports Corporation to improve the environmental sustainability of new developments and to encourage continuous environmental improvement of existing activities at the port.

  • Bogota BRT, Colombia

    Bogota is a big city — roughly 7 million people.  Prior to Transmilenio, public transportation was provided almost exclusively by private buses, known as colectivos, that can be flagged down at any point along their route.  Transmilenio was designed to replace many of these private buses with a high quality, state of the art transport system […]

  • Cebu Bus Rapid Transit Air Quality and Health Benefits Study

    Cebu City is set to become the first city in the Philippines to implement a more integrated public transport system with the planned Bus Rapid Transit (BRT) System. BRT systems, when implemented well, are able to provide mass transportation that effectively matches the supply of and demand for public transport at a lower cost compared to conventional rail-based mass transport systems. BRT systems also prioritize the integration of non-motorized transport into the system. In the case of Cebu City, better walking environment and pedestrian facilities are planned. Because of these features – prioritization of public transportation and integration of non-motorized modes, BRT systems can greatly mitigate air pollution and greenhouse gas emissions, and help make cities more livable.

  • Thailand Transport and Traffic Development Master Plan 2011 – 2020

    Strategy 1:Upgrade capability of agencies and personnel for the development of an environmentally sustainable transport system. Strategy 2: Establish appropriate plans and mechanisms for interfacing and monitoring of transport and traffic work plans/measures/projects; and to move them forward to implementation. Strategy 3: Establish comprehensive and inter-connected transport infrastructure. Strategy 4: Efficient transport management for sustainability […]

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