• AEP Ohio gridSMARTSM Demonstration Project

    AEP Ohio and its partners are building a secure, interoperable, and integrated Smart Grid infrastructure in Ohio that demonstrates the ability to maximize distribution system efficiency and reliability, and consumer use of demand response programs to reduce energy consumption, peak demand costs, and fossil fuel emissions. The demonstration area includes 150 square miles including parts […]

  • SmartGridCity Boulder Colorado

    Pilot Purpose SmartGridCity is a technology pilot in Boulder, Colorado that allows us to explore smart-grid tools in a real-world setting. The goal of this pilot is to help determine: Which energy-management and conservation tools our customers want and prefer Which technologies are the most effective at improving the way we deliver power How best […]

  • Los Alamos Smart Grid

    The Los Alamos Department of Public Utilities (DPU) is a leader in environmental innovation among utility companies, including renewable power generation and smart grid development. The DPU produces over 30 percent of its electricity from renewable sources and is partnering with major international corporations, Japan's New Energy and Industrial Technology Development Organization (NEDO) through the […]

  • City of Fort Collins Utilities

    The City of Fort Collins' Front Range Smart Grid Development project involved the municipal utilities for the cities of Fort Collins and Fountain, Colorado. The project included citywide deployment of advanced metering infrastructure (AMI). AMI allowed for implementation of demand response products and pilot testing of time-based rate programs. With these devices and programs came […]

  • CenterPoint Energy Houston Electric

    CenterPoint Energy Houston Electric’s (CEHE) Smart Grid Project (Project) consists of (1) advanced metering infrastructure (AMI) including the deployment of more than 2.2 million advanced meters across CEHE’s entire service territory; (2) communications infrastructure which links the meters and facilitates the transfer of usage data from the meter back to CEHE’s data collection engine and […]

  • Sacramento Municipal Utility District

    Sacramento Municipal Utility District’s (SMUD) SmartSacramento Project involves system-wide deployment of an advanced metering system integrated with existing enterprise and information technology systems as well as a partial deployment of advanced distribution grid assets that equip SMUD’s distribution circuits with automated control and operation capabilities. The project also involves customer systems that provide usage and […]

  • Smart Thai

    Smart Thai Overview Most of the world's electrical delivery system or "grid" was built when energy was relatively inexpensive. There have been some upgrades to meet the growing demand, but the grid still operates like it did 100 years ago—energy flows over the grid from central power stations to customers and reliability is ensured by […]

  • PEA Smart Grid Project in Pattaya

    The Provincial Electricity Authority (PEA) will roll out the country’s first smart grid electricity project, worth THB1 billion (~$27.86 million), in Pattaya by early 2018 in a move to embrace internet-connected devices. Mr. Pongsakorn Yuthagovit, PEA’s Deputy Director for System Planning, said the project will cover replacement of smart meters in 120,000 homes throughout the […]

  • The E-Trike Project

    The Department of Energy (DOE) is implementing the “Market Transformation through Introduction of Energy Efficient Electric Vehicles Project” or the E-Trike Project to help ensure energy security through the promotion of energy efficient and clean technologies. As such, the project is expected to insulate stakeholders from the price volatility of imported petroleum products. This US$504-million […]

  • Unison Networks Smart Grid Initiative

    Unison Networks added a Smart Grid Initiative to their Asset Management Plan in 2011 with the goal of leveraging off new technology to improve and expand upon the services it provides to its customers, reduce etwork expenditure and obtain the twelve stated network benefits while creating revenue growth opportunities. The Smart Grid Initiative has been […]

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