• Samwoh Eco Green Building

    What makes the Eco-Green Building remarkable is the fact that this building is the first of its kind in the region to be constructed using concrete with up to 100% Recycled Concrete Aggregate (RCA). This masterpiece of structural building showcases a revolutionary way of using RCA, as RCA has never been used in such high […]

  • Pluit Residensial House

    The Pluit Residensial House occupies a site area of about 250 square meters and was completed in March 2013. The building has 3 storeys and 1 flat roof for Solar cell, 1 cold Water Tank, 1 hot water tank, 1 VRF Air Conditioning unit with hot water generation, 3 parabolas, 1 Pyramid meditation,, 2 out […]

  • Sinar Mas Land Plaza Corporate Headquarters

    Located in the BSD Green Office Park in Jakarta, this iconic, green building was recognised for its sustainable design. Most common areas within the building, including the entire atrium, lift lobbies and toilets, are naturally ventilated. To minimise solar heat gain, the two building wings follow a strict north–south orientation with a central, natural ventilated atrium orientated towards the west to catch the […]

  • POWER+ Plan

    The White House announced awards for 29 economic and workforce development projects totaling $38.8 million for workers in the Appalachian Region hit hard by the reduction of coal mining. The Partnerships for Opportunity and Workforce and Economic Revitalization (POWER) Initiative is a coordinated Administration effort, involving ten federal agencies, with the goal of effectively aligning, […]

  • California Sustainable Freight Action Plan

    Governor Brown's Executive Order B-32-15 directs the Secretary of California State Transportation Agency (CALSTA), Secretary of the California Environmental Protection Agency (CalEPA), and the Secretary of the Natural Resources Agency to lead other relevant State departments in developing an integrated action plan by July 2016 that "establishes clear targets to improve freight efficiency, transition to […]

  • Zero-Emissions Building Plan

    On July 13, 2016, Vancouver City Council approved the Zero Emissions Building Plan – an action plan that lays out a phased approach to aggressively combat and reduce carbon pollution in Vancouver. Vancouver is the first major city in North America to establish specific targets and actions to achieve zero emissions in all new buildings […]

  • Medium Term Load Forecasting in New Zealand

    Program Background As System Operator, Transpower is responsible for real-time security and scheduling and dispatch of the power system 24 hours a day, 7 days a week. A key input into undertaking this role is accurate load forecasting over the medium term horizon (30 minutes to 14 days). This is known as the Medium Term Load […]

  • Connected Transport Systems Taipei

    Taipei's vision is to create an intelligent and sustainable environment for all to live and visit in Taiwan that is people oriented and not technology oriented. Advanced Public Transport Services (APTS): All public transport riders can get reliable real-time information – any time, any where, any information, any service, any connection, any device! Advanced Traveler […]

  • AGL Energy Virtual Power Plant

    AGL Energy Limited (AGL) announced in August 2016 the launch of what will be the world’s largest virtual power plant (VPP), ultimately involving 1,000 connected batteries installed in homes and businesses in South Australia, providing 5 MW of peaking capacity and offering customers the opportunity to save on their energy bills. Partnering with AGL in […]

  • Battelle Memorial Institute Pacific Northwest Division Smart Grid Demonstration Project

    Battelle Memorial Institute is collaborating with utilities, universities, and technology partners in a Smart Grid demonstration project across five states and three climatic regions, spanning the electrical system from generation to end-use, and containing all key functionalities of the future Smart Grid. This demonstration will validate new technologies; provide two-way communication between distributed generation, storage […]

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