The National Land Transport Programme (NLTP) is a three-year program of prioritized actions with a 10-year forecast of revenue and expenditure. It includes activities in the Rail Network Investment Program (RNIP) which is approved by the Minister of Transport and funded from the NLTF through the rail network and public transport infrastructure activity classes. In preparing the 2021–24 NLTP, the government worked closely with local, regional and unitary authorities, Auckland Transport, KiwiRail, the Department of Conservation and Waitangi Trust Board to develop a Program of national and regional activities that responds to the GPS 2021 and provides a transport system that meets the needs of today and in the future.
The NLTP includes local land transport projects and activities put forward by Regional Transport Committees (RTCs) in their Regional Land Transport Plans (RLTPs), including activities from the Waka Kotahi Investment Proposal for state highway maintenance and improvements and the proposed Program of national activities. These include national road safety education and advertising campaigns, road policing, research Programs that explore new and smarter ways to deliver customer benefits and national technology solutions, such as the National Ticketing Solution. This investment also includes joint Programs with our local and central government partners, such as the Network Optimization Program to develop national tools and standards to efficiently move people and goods; and the Road Efficiency Group (REG) which builds capability and provides leadership to help shape a more accessible, safe and sustainable transport system.
All proposed activities have been initially assessed for inclusion in the NLTP and prioritized for funding through the Investment Prioritization Method (IPM) and then through a moderation exercise to ensure that all activities are prioritized to give effect to the GPS 2021. We must plan to meet the level of expenditure for each activity class as set out in the GPS – this means meeting the minimum spend across all activity classes. The NLTP sets out forecast activities and expenditure for 2021–24. Some activities are committed for funding, other activities continue to be proposed, awaiting further planning, information and/or funding to confirm their priority and to be approved.