Once the site of a huge and infamously prominent coal power plant on Lake Ontario’s shore, the Lakeview site has become a symbol of the community’s visions and dreams for what the city of Mississauga’s waterfront can be.
The proposed master plan will reutilize this remediated brownfield site to create a mixed-use development on the lakefront where there was previously only industry. This will provide thousands of new residents and workers with connection to the lake, and will also enable the existing surrounding communities to reconnect with Lake Ontario. The new district will create a strong heart for the entire southern portion of Mississauga, a city of one million inhabitants, as well as a transit-supported new community that fulfills the progressive goals of the Greater Toronto Area to put more people close to mass transit. The 177-acre development provides much needed housing, retail and cultural facilities, an innovation district with employment opportunities, an urban school, and a 50-acre park network. The new Lakefront Park provides a missing link in the heavily-utilized but previously discontinuous Waterfront Trail; a 3000-km trail that connects 140 communities, and three Great Lakes.
The master planning of the site began as a grassroots community process over a decade ago, and was one of the first examples of community driven, bottom-up planning in the Greater Toronto Area. The community knew that when the power plant closed, they wanted something great to take its place. Since then, the city of Mississauga has worked closely with the community to develop the master plan, and chose Lakeview Community Partners Limited (LCPL) as a development partner. Since then, LCPL have led the effort to meaningfully re-engage the community and progress the masterplan vision for a vibrant and unique community along the waterfront.