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SG-2.2 Smart Grid Demonstration Projects

Grid Resilience and Innovation Partnerships (GRIP) Program

As part of the Bipartisan Infrastructure Law, the Grid Deployment Office is administering a $10.5 billion Grid Resilience and Innovation Partnerships (GRIP) Program to enhance grid flexibility and improve the resilience of the power system against growing threats of extreme weather and climate change.  The Program includes three funding mechanisms:


(1) GRID RESILIENCE UTILITY AND INDUSTRY GRANTS: Grid Resilience Utility and Industry Grants support activities that will modernize the electric grid to reduce impacts due to extreme weather and natural disasters.

(2) SMART GRID GRANTS: Smart Grid Grants increase the flexibility, efficiency, and reliability of the electric power system, with particular focus on increasing capacity of the transmission system, preventing faults that may lead to wildfires or other system disturbances, integrating renewable energy at the transmission and distribution levels, and facilitating the integration of increasing electrified vehicles, buildings, and other grid-edge devices.

(3) GRID INNOVATION PROGRAM: Grid Innovation Program provides financial assistance to one or multiple states, Tribes, local governments, and public utility commissions to collaborate with electric sector owners and operators to deploy projects that use innovative approaches to transmission, storage, and distribution infrastructure to enhance grid resilience and reliability.

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