Smart Jobs & Consumers

SJ-2.2 Energy Efficiency Educational Resources

The Green Schools Initiative (GSI) is an educational outreach programme provisioned by the Singapore Green Building Council (SGBC) to educate students on the role buildings play in environmental sustainability, and the impact that building design and technology have on the performance of buildings.
Through the GSI, students would gain a deeper understanding of the concepts surrounding green building and be familiar with the key principles for green building design.
The core of the GSI is a nine-lesson presentation package that covers the key aspects of green building. From building orientation to principles of air-conditioning, the slides for each of the nine lessons have been developed by SGBC and are loaded with accurate content complemented with illustrations and drawings to hold the students’ attention. The tenth and final lesson may be conducted by an officer from the Building and Construction Authority (BCA), letting students know about Singapore’s agenda for green building.

The presentation package is planned as nine decks of slides in five focus areas, each lasting between 40 minutes to an hour long:

Module 1: Basic Principles of Tropical Building Design (3 lessons)
Module 2: Energy Consumption (3 lessons)
Module 3: Resource Management (2 lessons)
Module 4: Outdoor Thermal Environment (1 lesson)
Module 5: Singapore’s Approach to Green Buildings (1 lesson)

In addition to the slide package, educators administering the GSI can make use of the following supplementary activities to bolster the programme, including a Green Schools video and Learning Journeys to green buildings in Singapore. Visits to green buildings and hands-on activities help students to better understand the very concept of green buildings.

Students have a choice of visiting any of the following buildings (at no charge):
1.BCA Zero Energy Building
2.Republic Polytechnic
3.Temasek Polytechic
4.Asahi Glass Company Asia Pacific

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