Smart Jobs & Consumers   –  Energy Efficiency Training Curricula:

SJ-1.2 Energy Efficiency Training Resources

The Green Generation MX program has the potential to act as a catalyst for Mexico’s energy transition by responding to the urgent need to revamp training and education initiatives to reduce greenhouse gas emissions.

Generously funded by the TK Foundation, this initiative spans 18 months and aims to create, test, and evaluate curricula for the establishment of fundamental critical skills essential for Mexico’s energy transition. The program aims to equip young individuals with the skills necessary for well-paying jobs in areas such as data science and energy efficiency, which are crucial in the clean energy industry.

Key goals

• Include creating and testing two innovative curricula at different educational levels: upper secondary and higher education, to teach essential skills for the energy transition.

• Enhance participants’ readiness for a successful transition into the job market, especially in the manufacturing sector, and ensure they obtain formal employment with benefits.

• Expand and replicate curricula that demonstrate efficiency, aiming for a lasting and sustainable impact.

The Green Jobs Revolution

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