The project assisted the CSIRO in delivering the first analytical framework of its kind to systematically investigate the most economically efficient energy network (electricity and natural gas) configurations for Australia. With this framework, Australia will be able to identify the lowest cost pathway to integrate significant amounts of large and small scale renewables into our grid with existing technologies while maintaining operational stability. This will bring the accomplishment to Australia by paving the way for significant emissions reductions in Australia’s most carbon intensive economic sector. The project is led by Professor David Hill, Associate Professor Gregor Verbic, Associate Professor Jin Ma, Dr Ke Meng and Dr Archie Chapman. The collaborators are University of Newcastle, University of Queensland and UNSW. Also, there are Numerous industry and government stakeholders played an advisory role.
Advanced modelling and analytical techniques have been developed and there are more understanding of: (1) the total costs of transmission and distribution systems for standard and alternative grid topologies (2) the development and treatment of methods to deal with increasing renewable energy supply of 20% and beyond(3) potential market failures in current system planning and operations in dealing with intermittent renewable generation. The next step for the project would focus on studying scenarios out to 2050 driven by fuel prices, policy, market and grid planning paradigms. Analytical techniques are being developed for grid performance assessment and optimal design in terms of reliability, cost and carbon emission limits.