The research group ignited this project by recognizing that since the trend around the world is for EVs charged at home to use fast chargers (~7kW of demand), they clearly are a concern for distribution companies as the extra demand could easily exceed what the poles and wires have been designed for. This multi-disciplinary project explores, with a range of both network-related and consumer-related research methodologies and tools, customer acceptance and expectations around electric vehicles (EVs), distribution network impacts from unmanaged EVs, distribution network integration of EVs using active management strategies, and techno-economic network and system integration of EVs. Technologies involved in this project are electric vehicles, solar PV, high and low voltage distribution networks, smart grids and time-of-use tariffs, etc. Tools utilized in this project are Python, OpenDSS, GitHub. In September 2021, detailed network modelling, EV impact assessment, EV data, customer survey are researched and studied. For 2022, it is scheduled into two parts: (1) Distribution network integration of EVs using active management strategies (2) Techno-economic network and system integration of EVs. For the first part, active management of network and EVs and benefit assessment of different charging strategies for different scenarios can be presented. Also, Intelligent EV management strategies are finished with first take. For the second part, techno-economic modelling and assessment will be included in the initial studies, and the final recommendation are expected to include techno-economic network and system modelling and benefits assessment.