Smart Jobs & Consumers   –  Energy Efficiency Training Curricula:

SJ-1.2 Energy Efficiency Training Resources

The 1-Day Training Course is to understand efficient, reliable power supply and use. It helps to learn about how to improve the efficiency of electrical energy supply and utilization systems; from generation through to storage and use, including quality/reliability factors, integrating clean energy, tariff breakdowns & demand management.


This course provides an overview of the essential features of operation, both technical and regulatory, of the electrical supply system. Within the technical aspects it will also discuss energy efficiency and the ways by which it can be improved.


It will provide an understanding of the basic technical principles that govern modern electricity supply, including the constraints and limitations that are imposed and how they affect energy users. It will also discuss a number of energy efficiency aspects of utilization of energy in applications such as electrical lighting and IT equipment.


The responsibilities and impact of the various regulators that govern electrical supply and usage will be discussed.


Alternative or renewable energy sources such as wind and solar generation will play a major role in future electrical supply systems and issues relating to their impact on the supply system and energy efficiency will be covered.


The concept of the “Smart Grid” will also be described and discussed both from the consumer and supplier points of view, including its potential for demand management benefits and equipment operational efficiency.

Key Learning Objectives

• Identify the basic design, operation and components of electrical supply systems

• Analyse the integrated electrical grid – generation, transmission and distribution

• Discover the constraints and limitations of electrical supply – voltage regulation, power supply quality, reliability and energy efficiency

• Recognise how renewable energy is incorporated into the grid system and the constraints imposed

• Review the cost of energy – a breakdown

• Appreciate the impact of increased efficiency consumer loads on the supply system

• Efficiency of energy utilisation – modern lighting systems and their efficiency- potential for improvement with use of DC supply,

• Analyse efficiency of transformers, overhead lines and cables

• Discover the smart grid: What does it mean? How will it improve electrical supply?

Who Will Benefit

This course will benefit all those with little or no previous experience of electrical supply systems who need a better understanding of electrical energy supply and utilisation and reliability and efficiency of the operational aspects of energy supply and use.

Roles include senior managers and executives, non-engineers with responsibility for commercial and industrial infrastructure, legal practitioners, financial analysts, consultants and OHSE representatives.

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