Smart Transportation

ST-1.3 Bus Rapid Transit (BRT)

Smart Digital Kerbside is testing different technologies to collect information on kerb use, and how those spaces can be better managed. This pilot will trial a digital inventory of kerb space allocation and the use of intelligent sensors. These smart technologies will capture real-time kerb usage data for three pilot locations: Campbelltown and Penrith. Information captured will include current kerb space allocation (for example, on footpaths, in parking and bus stops, taxi and loading zones) for each road, by time of day and day of the week.

Capital Cost total: $1m

Key benefits

The Trial will help Transport and Council to:

1.Understand the demand on kerbs;

2.Provide data on how kerbs are used; and

3.Understand how kerbs could better meet community needs and improve liveability, productivity, and sustainability.

4.Improved safety outcomes for pedestrians, public transport passengers and cyclists

5.Improved road network optimisation and performance

6.A lift in economic productivity in key urban centres, supporting freight and mobility service providers and local businesses.


This pilot will help Transport for NSW and partner councils improve the way they optimise the use of kerb spaces in centres and across the network.


Digital Smart Kerbs Campbelltown

Digital Smart Kerbs Penrith


A digital parking sign in Campbelltown for the Smart Digital Kerbside project.

A person drills equipment into the ground for the Smart Digital Kerbside project.

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