The objective of the project is to solve the issue of oversized diesel generation units that are not efficiently used. New control strategies and technologies are the aim of the project innovation which can help save fuel and increase reliability. This 21-month project (Mar 2021 to Dec 2022) is funded by QinetiQ Australia and the Defence Innovation Hub.
By investigating the benefits and most suitable control strategies of smart grid technologies, this project benefits Australian Defence Force (ADF) improve the reliability, fuel efficiency, and logistical aspects associated with the electrical infrastructure of their deployed forces. The contract was awarded through the Defence Innovation Hub, one of the Government’s leading innovation programs. The project can help Australia build a sustainable and globally competitive sovereign defence industry.
Using advanced energy management algorithms, including Python, Real-Time Digital Simulator (RTDS) and GitHub, this project offers a power efficient, responsive and deployable micro-grid that will help ensure the ADF has access to power on the battlefield. Starting from March 2021, the project is divided into four section: Modelling, Initial Control Software, Full-state Control Software and Control Software – Modifications Post Testing. The end of the project is expected in December 2022.
Related news: https://www.minister.defence.gov.au/minister/melissa-price/media-releases/54-million-investment-vic-company-help-power-our-adf